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Community updates and encouragement

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My SCOOP USA MEDIA FAMILY, How’s everything and everybody? Once again, I’m overwhelmed and twisted about what’s in front of Us, why we continue to find Ourselves in such precarious situations, and what’s keeping many of us from seeing and/or realizing it!

The brilliance of Our Young People is “Case In Point!” Why do they continue to live in such a vicious cycle of mayhem, death, and destruction when They Have The Wherewithal to push through the “Madness.” It’s said that leadership is suspect. Family breakdown is a critical key factor to their demise, and structural defections create many barriers that impede their progress and/or limit their ability to move forward!!!

For the record excuses, impediments, and disasters have always been a natural element in men’s/women’s experiences and everyday realities. Never, never, ever has such viciousness been pressed upon one group of people upon itself as to what we are witnessing, living through, and smothered by before in HISTORY.

Every day our young folk are killing one another, babies are being slaughtered, seniors are being gunned down, and families are being murdered by other family members. I can go on with the carjacking, home invasions, etc, etc, etc. My Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen, I will never-ever share such atrocities without making it clear this too shall pass! We are formidable, honorable, and sanctified people who have weathered and come through many storms! And for all those who believe and have Faith, know without a doubt–that He did not bring us this far to leave us here!!!

So, to close, let’s be clear, “We did not and do not ,…

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