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Community College of Philadelphia shares findings of Research for Action report on effectiveness of Octavius Catto Scholarship

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PHILADELPHIA, August 27, 2024 – Community College of Philadelphia hosted its fourth annual Catto Family Reunion in the College’s Winnet Student Life Courtyard. During the event, College leadership discussed findings from a recently published Research for Action report on the effectiveness of the Octavius Catto Scholarship in Philadelphia.
Speakers from the College and the City of Philadelphia spoke about opportunities available through the Catto Scholarship and welcomed new and returning scholars to the campus.
“The Catto Scholarship has proven to affect students’ lives, on and off campus,” said College President Dr. Donald Guy Generals. “Covering the cost of tuition at CCP is just part of the initiative. It also connects students to resources like affordable housing, childcare, and career coaches who help our learners stay on track. The Catto Scholarship is only possible because our leaders at the City of Philadelphia recognized our community’s needs and made the investment in our collective future.”
In addition to Dr. Generals, speakers included Dr. Debora Carrera, chief education officer for the Mayor’s Office of Education; Dr. Seth Jacobson, College associate vice president of Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement and executive director of the Octavius Catto Scholarship; and Dr. David E. Thomas, College vice president for Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement. Free food and giveaways were available to attendees.
“Community College of Philadelphia is a key part of the Mayor’s vision for our city, which includes a world-class system of education for all students regardless of neighborhood or socio-economic status,” said the city’s Chief Education Officer, Dr. Deborah Carrera. “Investments like the Catto Scholarship are opening doors to economic mobility by ensuring all Philadelphians have access to quality jobs of the future.”
Findings in the RFA report on the Octavius Catto Scholarship
The Research for Action report, titled “For the Good of the City” An Early Evaluation of the Catto Scholarship, summarizes early learnings from the Catto Scholarship initiative.
Drawing on a mixed-methods design, including a review of similar initiatives, interviews with scholarship developers, staff, and scholars, as well as analysis of administrative data, the report identifies early successes in the Catto Scholarship with regard to enrollment, persistence, retention, and completion.
The report concludes:
The Catto Scholarship is expanding college affordability, access, and success for Philadelphians who might have otherwise lacked a path toward social mobility.
The Catto Scholarship serves communities in proportion to their CCP enrollment, a sign of equitable outreach and enrollment.
Persistence and retention rates are higher for Catto Scholars than for non-Catto CCP students.
Catto Scholars experience higher rates of associate degree completion (on average) relative to non-Catto students at CCP.
One Catto Scholar, quoted in the report, summed up their experience in the following way: “It’s not just a scholarship. It’s a community of people that want to see you succeed. It’s a good feeling having a community wanting you in this space with them. People are loving you, taking care of you.”
To learn more about the Octavius Catto Scholarship, visit https://www.ccp.edu/admission-aid/paying-college/scholarships/octavius-catto-scholarship
About Community College of Philadelphia
Community College of Philadelphia is the largest public institution of higher education in the City of Philadelphia. With an open admissions policy, the College serves all who may benefit – regardless of age, income, or ability. For more than 50 years, the College has lived up to its mission and goals by providing educational access for over 700,000 Philadelphians, setting families, businesses, and neighborhoods on the path of shared prosperity and opportunity.
For information on the College’s degree and certificate programs, workforce development strategies, and community engagement initiatives, visit ccp.edu and follow us on social media @CCPedu.

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