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Some of you who regularly read this Civics 101 column might wonder to yourself, doesn’t Thera have anything else to write about that will fall into the “civics” category? 

Actually, yes I do. It amazes me how many real life news stories are civics related. There seems to be no shortage of information I can share about civics in action; laws and how they are made or changed, or even real life examples of how the justice system works or doesn’t work. It all ties backs to our American government, our rights as United States Citizens and our civic duties. 

Being a good citizen isn’t just for adults. Children and teens need to learn about civics early and put it to practice. 

It’s as simple as sweeping in front of your own door. 

Caring about your community, your city, your state, the nation you live in. 

Learning American history, the real history, which includes slavery and the heroes and sheroes who rose up out of slavery. 

As U.S. citizens, everyone needs to be reminded from time to time that America truly is a melting pot of nationalities. This is not a country of just white people, nor is it a country of just Black people. We are a melting pot, equally created by God. That’s my belief. Some of us came here freely of our own volition. Others, such as my Ancestors were forced here during the slave trade years, which actually lasted almost 300 years, not the 200 years that are often touted in some history books. 


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