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City Council Report

Reading Time: 3 minutes

City Council
Tuesday, June 6, 2024

I’ve long been a fan of local Council meetings because this is where the legislative process gets started. Here lies the foundation for our state and federal legislators and legislation. It’s always uplifting to see people engaging with government and elected officials. It gives constituents hope, knowing that those they elected are working on their behalf. Democracy in action is always a wonder to behold and never disappoints.

This week’s Council Meeting passed numerous pieces of legislation. Here’s a breakdown of a few important legislative points of interest.

Committee Reports:
Councilmember Jamie Gauthier’s Report From Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development, and the Homeless:
Bill Number 240018 Amending Title 9 of the Philadelphia Code Entitled Regulation of businesses, trades, and professions by providing for licensing of persons responsible for performing tenant evictions at Residential Properties under certain terms and conditions. Committee Returns Bill with a favorable recommendation.

Bills and Resolutions:
Councilmember Mike Driscoll, Resolution Number 240549 Approving the appointment of Richard Harris to the Board of Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA).
Bill Number 240059, an Ordinance amending Title 19 of the Philadelphia Code Entitled Finances, Taxes, and Collections by adding a new chapter 19-4600 Entitled Low-Income Tax Provisions providing for the refund or forgiveness of real estate liability of certain low-income residents attributable to real estate tax increases and increases in the assessed value of the taxpayer’s homestead all under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed.

Councilmember Jeffrey J. Young, Bill Number 240248, an Ordinance Prohibiting the Commissioner of Public Property or any other official of the City of Philadelphia acting on behalf of the city from entering into, executing, or authorizing a lease extension, lease amendment, lease renewal, or new lease by and between the city and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for or on behalf of any Commonwealth or agency at the property located at 2100 West Girard Avenue all under certain terms and conditions.

Amendment to 240248 B circulated to all members of Council. Placed on final passage calendar at next session of Council.

Bill Number 240280, an Ordinance amending Chapter 10-2200 of Philadelphia Code Entitled Hate Crimes to expand the scope of qualifying crimes under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed.

Bill Number 240330, an Ordinance amending 21-100 amending the Philadelphia Code Entitled Citizen’s Oversight Commission, modifies the procedure by which members of Citizen’s Oversight Commission may be removed, providing a procedure to suspend members and clarifying in that chapter under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed.

Bill Number 240472, an Ordinance amending Chapter 10-2000 of the Philadelphia Code Entitled Unlawful Manufacturer of Firearms to add restrictions relating to the rate of fire acceleration devices all under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed.

Bill Number 240060, an Ordinance amending Chapter 9-1000 of the Philadelphia Code Entitled Fair Practices Ordinance Protection against unlawful Discrimination to clarify and enhance protections against housing discrimination for housing assistance program participants to modify certain procedures for the investigation of housing discrimination complaints, conciliation, appeal, and an election of civil action of all complaints filed with the commission and to make related technical changes all under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed.

Councilmember Mark Squilla Introduced a Resolution authorizing the Committee on Education to hold hearings to examine the sudden closing of the University of the Arts, the impact the sudden closing will have on the higher education system, and most importantly, the impact on the current student body and staff. Resolution Adopted.

City Council convenes every Thursday promptly at 10 am in Council Chambers in City Hall. All are invited and encouraged to attend. More information can be found at www.phlcouncil.com.


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