Philadelphia City Council, March 20, 2025
Let’s start this Council Report off on a high note, wishing Councilmember Jim Harrity a Happy Birthday.
Special Guest Visiting
Honorable Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner and Honorable Superior Court Judge Alice Beck.
Ambassadors from Roxborough High School in Chambers to witness democracy at the local level.
A Resolution presented by Curtis Jones, Jr., honoring the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Incorporated Philadelphia Chapter on their Annual Legislative Day and for their dedication to advancing gender, racial, and equity, empowering Black women during Women’s History Month.
“On behalf of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Incorporated Philadelphia Chapter, I’m honored to stand here today as you recognize our Annual Legislative Day, a day dedicated to uplifting the voices of Black women and advocating for the policies that have shaped our communities. For over 43 years, our chapter has worked tirelessly to advocate for equity, economic justice, health education, and civic engagement for Black women and girls in the Philadelphia area and surrounding counties. We know that when Black women thrive, our families, neighborhoods, and the entire city prospers. As we gather in this Chamber, we affirm our commitment to partnership and progress. We’re here to engage, collaborate, and ensure that the policies crafted within these walls reflect the needs of the people we serve,“ said Nyisha Chapman, Chapter President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Philadelphia Chapter.
A Resolution introduced by Councilmember Kendra Brooks recognizing March 20, 2025, as Children’s First Day in the City of Philadelphia, recognizing and honoring the organization on its 45 Birthday and celebrating being the driving force behind so much of the progress made for young people over the past five decades, from full-day kindergarten to Septa passes for Philly students. Executive Director of Children First, Donna Cooper, remarked, “I want to thank this Council as a whole. For two-thirds of the life of this Council, Children First (formerly PCCA) has been working side by side with you, and we’re grateful for all of your efforts to work with us.”
Communications From the Mayor
An Ordinance repealing in its entirety the following Bills 240966, 240967, 240968, 240969, and 240963, all approved on December 23, 2024
An Ordinance repealing in its entirety, Bill Number 240972, was approved on December 23, 2024.
Introduction of Bills and Resolutions
A Privileged Resolution authorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings on the status, conditions, operations, and economic factors at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to ensure the future of the City cornerstone as we prepare to welcome the world in 2026. Placed on Final Passage Calendar for today.
A Non-Privileged Resolution introduced by Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr., appointing Malika Ramen to the Police Oversight Commission. Placed on the Final Passage Calendar for consideration at the next session of Council.
A Non-Privileged Resolution introduced by Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr., appointing Hilberto Gonza- lez to the Police Oversight Commission. Placed on the Final Passage Calendar at the next session of Council.
A Non-Privileged Resolution introduced by Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr., reappointing Hakeem Pa to the Police Oversight Commission. Placed on the Final Passage Calendar at the next session of Council.
A Privileged Resolution introduced by Councilmember Rue Landau, honoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Phyllis W. Beck, retired Superior Court Judge, who was a treasured member of the Philadelphia legal community, philanthropist, trailblazer, and mentor. Placed on Final Passage Calendar for today.
A Non-Privileged Resolution introduced by Coun- cilmember Rue Landau, condemning President Donald J. Trump and his administration for their decision to sus- pend income-driven student loan repayment plans and for politicizing public service loan forgiveness to target advocates working to oppose his anti-immigrant and anti-free speech agenda. Placed on the Final Passage Calendar for today.
Bills and Resolutions on Second and Final Passage Calendar
Bill Number 240427-AA, introduced by Councilmember Jeffrey J. Young, an Ordinance amending Section 14-305 of the Philadelphia Code Entitled “Nonconformities” by providing further provisions on changes from non-conforming uses, all under certain terms and conditions. Bill Passed 15/2.
To view the Philadelphia City Council meeting in its entirety, please visit or The next Council session will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 10:00 am in Council Chambers at Philadelphia City Hall.
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