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City Council Report

Reading Time: 3 minutes

City Council – March 13, 2025

Today’s Council session was all about Mayor Cherelle Parker’s 2nd Annual Budget Address to Council and the citizens of Philadelphia.

Let’s first break down the Mayor’s proposed budget proposal before launching into what else occurred in Council today. Mayor Parker presented Philadelphia City Council with a $6.7 Billion dollar spending package, kicking off negotiations for a budget that, if passed, will take effect July 1, 2025.

Here are the takeaways from Parker’s Budget Address:

o Restoration of Vision Zero funding to $5 million in 2026 and $30 million through 2030 to reduce traffic fatalities throughout the city.
o Another $550 allocated for collective bargaining agreements with the city’s labor unions. Currently, the city has collective bargaining agreements with all four of the city’s unions.
o $100 million (including $45 million from City Council) to prepare for semi-quincentennial celebrations and other major events in 2026.
o $67 million set aside for a state-of-the-art police forensics lab at 4101 Market Street in University City.
o $75 million to fund the new Riverview Wellness Village recovery housing in Northeast Philadelphia.
o The city’s twice-weekly trash collection to be extended to include Northeast Philadelphia neighborhoods.
o Borrowing $800 million to preserve or create 30,000 housing units in the city.
o Starting in 2030, the budget increases the percentage of property tax going to the Philadelphia School District from 56% to 56.5%, bringing approximately $12 million to the district, earmarked for teacher’s salaries.
o Parker wants to lower Business Income and Receipts Tax (BIRT) from 5.81% to 5.5% in 2030
o Parker wants to lower City Wage Tax from 3.75% to 3.7% beginning in 2026 for residents and from 3.44% to 3.39% for non-residents beginning in 2030.
o Expansion of the year-around school program from 25 schools to 40 schools. Extended hours are optional for parents and teachers designed to accommodate students who need extra help with studies and parents needing additional childcare.
o A parking meter rate hike in Center City and nearby surrounding areas from $3 to $4. The additional revenue earmarked for the School District increases funding by approximately $4 million yearly. This would be the first rate hike in parking meters since 2014.

In addition to the Mayor, Council welcomed the guest of Councilmember Dr. Anthony Phillips, the gentlemen from Morehouse College in Atlanta, who are on the “Get on the Bus Tour,” speaking to, inspiring, and mentoring hundreds of men in Philadelphia to Leadership Excel- lence.

Introduction of Bills and Resolutions

Councilmember Katherine Gilmore-Richardson introduced a Privileged Resolution on behalf of Council President Kenyatta Johnson authorizing the Committee on Children and Youth to hold hearings on the implementation of Bill 220654-A and the success of evening Community Resource Centers. Placed on Final Passage Calendar for today.

Councilmember Katherine Gilmore-Richardson introduced an Ordinance on behalf of Council President Kenyatta Johnson, amending Chapter 19-1500 of the Philadelphia Code entitled Wage and Net Profits Tax by revising certain taxes under certain terms and conditions. Bill will be referred to the appropriate committee.

Councilmember Katherine Gilmore-Richardson introduced a Non-Privileged Resolution on behalf of Council President Kenyatta Johnson, providing for the approval by the Council of the City of Philadelphia of a revised 5-year financial plan for the City of Philadelphia covering fiscal years 2026 through 2030 and incorporating revisions with respect to fiscal year 2025 which is to be submitted by the Mayor to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority pursuant to an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by and between the city and the authority. This Resolution will be placed on the Final Passage Calendar for consideration at the next session of Council.

There will be a series of thirteen formal hearings and three public comment sessions for the fiscal year 2026 budget.

The next Council session will resume at 10 am on Thursday, March 20, 2025, in the Council Chambers. I encourage everyone to attend a City Council Meeting in person if possible, if not, please view Mayor Parker’s Budget Address and the Council session in its entirety at www.phlcouncil.com.


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