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City Council Report

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Philadelphia’s New Mayor proposes innovative bold budget
to move the city forward

Mayor Cherelle Parker entered Council Chambers on Thursday, March 13, 2024, to deliver her iconic Budget Address, in which she proposes $6.3 billion dollars in spending to achieve her “One Philadelphia” initiative. Parker was met with a standing ovation and overwhelming enthusiastic applause as she entered the City Council Chamber, escorted by Councilmembers Katherine Gilmore-Richardson, Isaiah Thomas, Cindy Bass, and Mark Squilla.

Parker invited the packed chamber of residents and elected officials to share her vision and outlined promises made during the campaign for a cleaner, greener city with greater economic opportunity for all. With her infectious enthusiasm and positive nature, Parker expressed her gratitude for being back home, recounting her first experience standing in Council Chambers at 17 years old to deliver a Black History Month speech.

Emphasizing her unwavering dedication to her “One Philly Budget” and her willingness to overcome any challenges or obstacles, Parker laid out her Budget proposal as follows:
Funding her $6.29 billion dollar with no new taxes, though the city is losing federal COVID-19 relief dollars halfway through the fiscal year and faces lower-than-expected growth in some taxes.


Thank you for reading an excerpt of Lorraine Lavender-Sams’ article on scoopusamedia.com. To read more of the article, “Philadelphia’s New Mayor proposes innovative bold budget to move the city forward,” please subscribe to Scoop USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75.00 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital and Vizion) are $90. (52 weeks/1 year)

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