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City Commissioner Omar Sabir and community partners kick-off the 2nd Annual City-Wide Youth Civic Engagement Tour, Philly Rises

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On Wednesday, February 1st, 2023, Vice Chairman and City Commissioner Omar Sabir kick-offed the 2nd Annual Philly Rises city-wide youth civic engagement school tour at Constitution High School. 

In 2022, Vice Chairman Commissioner Sabir launched the ‘Philly Rises Initiative’ in partnership with PA Youth Vote, The Urban League, and NAACP Philadelphia Branch. 

The Philadelphia Rises school tour was created to provide Philadelphia high school students with a fruitful civic experience filled with information about their voting rights, electoral process, and African American history commemorating Black History Month. Commissioner Sabir is determined to ensure that every eligible student has access to voting, understands their voting rights, and is educated on the importance of voting. 

During tour stops Commissioner Sabir’s Office will register eligible students to vote, accept mail-in ballot applications, and recruit student poll workers. The Philly Rises school tour has engaged thousands of students across Philadelphia, and registered 8,000 students to vote, and toured over 35 schools. 

“Children are the future; we must empower them by giving them access to voting knowledge and election information. Now is the time, and our time is now,” said Commissioner Omar Sabir. 

Commissioner Sabir, was joined by the Superintendent of The Philadelphia School District, Dr. Tony Watlington. Commissioner Omar Sabir, was also joined by the President of the NAACP Philadelphia chapter, Catherine Hicks, the Executive Director of PA Youth Vote, Angelique Hinton, and the Chairman of the Urban League of Philadelphia, Keith Bethel. 

Catherine Hicks, the President of the NAACP Philadelphia Branch, stated, “The Philadelphia Branch NAACP is excited to participate in this much-needed program for our high school students, to prepare those who will become first-time voters with the information and process and to also teach them the importance of exercising their right to vote from a civil rights perspective.” 

Angelique Hinton of PA Youth Vote stated, “PA Youth Vote is so excited to embark on this tour with our partners to educate young people across Philadelphia on how the government works, what’s on the ballot in 2023, and to help the youth understand their power to create change via their votes. We hope you’ll follow along on social media @payouthvote.” 

Keith Bethel of the Urban League also touts the importance of Philly rises, “The Urban League of Philadelphia is proud to stand with Omar Sabir and to be a part of the Philly Rises initiative. By empowering our youth to vote, we ensure a democracy that moves beyond our hateful past to a future in which equity is real! The ULP stands committed to ensuring that our youth know the power of the vote,” said Bethel. 

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