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Chancellor Williams and Race Organization (Pt 1)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As a teacher, I require my students to read a minimum of (30) minutes every day. This year, we are approaching the end of our third grading period, and the majority of my students anxiously anticipate their turn to tell the class about what they’re reading. It is indeed a great joy to witness a Black student’s enthusiasm for reading, comprehending, and elaborating on what he or she has read.

My parents were avid readers, which influenced my brother and me to dive into the pages of encyclopedias, autobiographies, and rare books at an early age. I have proudly obtained an active public library card for over five decades!

Unfortunately, most Black adults, simply do not like to read, and now, since the internet has been developed, our collective reading time has diminished profusely. Since writing for SCOOP, I have recommended many books to my adult readers, including books I have written. Today, I would like to direct your attention to the phenomenal works of renowned author Chancellor Williams. Most of you are aware that I am a devoted student of Pan-African Nationalism and promote the teachings of Marcus Garvey. The writings and scholarship of Marcus Garvey have served as a Black print for race-conscious Black people since the early 1920’s. I will forever dedicate my time and attention to authors that advocate self-reliance and confidence. The question I often ask sisters and brothers when I first engage in conversation is, what are you reading?

There are countless books written by brilliant Black authors that I have recommended over the last few decades. Books written by Amos Wilson, Dr. Yusef Ben-Jochannan, Drusilla Dungee Houston, Nai’m Akbar, Elijah Muhammad, Carter G. Woodson, Runoko Rashidi, Marimba Ani, Anthony Browder, Asa Hilliard, Dr. Cheikh Ata Diop, Tony Martin, George Jackson, Frantz fanon and Assata Shakur have served as tools for our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical liberation.


Thank you for reading an excerpt of Khabyr Hadas’s article on scoopusamedia.com. To read more of the article, “Chancellor Williams and Race Organization (Pt 1),” please subscribe to Scoop USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75.00 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital and Vizion) are $90. (52 weeks/1 year)

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