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Can a former President’s home be raided

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Can a former president of the United States’ home be raided? Sure can. Just look at what happened on Monday, August 8, 2022, to former president Donald Trump. 

The FBI came calling. In other words, it was an official raid. In all the digging I’ve done in the last 72 hours, I haven’t found another president in American history whose home was raided after or before they left office. Wow! A new low for Donald Trump and deservingly so. 

The search the F.B.I. conducted was a part of an investigation into the Trumpster and how he handled critical documents while still the President of the United States, i.e. classified information. 

Donald Trump’s compliance with the law, or lack thereof, has been evident since before he took his oath of office to become the 45th president. He’s turned his nose up to laws, rules, and authority all of his life, from his days at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, to becoming a businessman and following in the footsteps of his father before him, to become a larger-than-life personality with all his real estate holdings, etc., to his eventual rise to the presidency after a stolen election with the help of Vladimir Putin and his crew. 

I’m not writing anything new here. All of what I am sharing has been said by lawmakers, Washington D.C., and other national and local journalists and reporters to everyday citizens like me, who stay woke. 

In this nation, or so I’ve always been taught and always thought, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States, or a former president of the United States. If mayors who have done wrong, congresspeople, state representatives, county commissioners, state treasurers, state senators, and other lawmakers have been caught in some kind of illegal wrongdoing, have been sentenced to jail time. Why should Donald Trump get a free “Get out of Jail” card? 

Donald Trump has committed, amongst other things, one of the highest crimes a citizen of the United States can commit, and that’s trying and start a civil war. He did that in full effect on January 6, 2021. By Federal law, when a president is leaving office, they are supposed to turn over all official records from their Administration to the National Archives. 


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