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Black Resistance Notes: On the Camp Hill Prison Riot (Pt 3) 

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“In the eyes of white America, Black people are criminally suspect. This is especially true to the Black man. In the fevered mind of white America, he is cosmically guilty. His guilt is universal. For him to be alive is to be suspected, stereotypically accused, convicted, and condemned for criminal conspiracy and intent.” Dr. Amos Wilson 

The prisoners effectively combatted and wounded police with (Molotov cocktail) firebombs. At least (4) prisoners were shot by the state troopers during the intense battle. Over 1,500 military units slowly began to neutralize the activity from the determined prisoners. 

Prisoners were ordered to surrender by actually coming out of the cell blocks and laying face down in the prison yard. 

The prisoners were also ordered to release their hostages. On October 27th, at approximately 7:44 am, waving white clothes began to appear. The imprisoned Black men were frisked, handcuffed behind their backs, and forced to lie face down. The property damage from both prison uprisings was extensive. Certain prison blocks, literally, were burned down. Injuries were numerous and severe on both sides. State and local law enforcement used all the manpower available–without weakening their regiments in areas outside the Camp Hill circumference. 

Later, people learned that certain prison staff members (who were not qualified to use firearms) were issued weapons and actually used them to shoot and critically wound prisoners. Although there were no deaths during the prison riot, numerous hostages and prisoners were transported to the hospital for treatment.


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