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Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity set to host a“Safer Summer In Philly” Weekend of Action June 2-4

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Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity has something really special happening this weekend. They will host a “Safer Summer In Philly, Weekend of Action June 2nd – June 4th. In its on- going effort to make a difference in addressing violence in Philadelphia, the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity has been planning this weekend of action for several months.

Reverend Robert Collier, Sr., stated, “Black Clergy of Philadelphia & Vicinity’s A Safer Summer In Philly Weekend of Action allows us to focus on keeping our city safer this summer. We want to do all we can to ensure that there is less violence of ALL types, which includes carjackings, physical assaults, and of course, gun violence during the summer months. It is very intentional that we will begin with prayer this Friday, June 2, 2023, at 11:00 am at the Octavius V. Catto Statue and end with the call for all churches to have altar prayers during their worship services on Sunday, June 4, 2023, praying for an end to violence of all types.

Our main event will occur on Saturday, June 3, 2023, with our Safer Summer In Philly Summit beginning at 10:00 am at Zion Baptist Church, with the opportunity for many stakeholders to come together to discuss their roles in keeping Philly safer this summer, and will also focus on opportunities for community organizations, faith-based organizations, elected officials, and other stakeholders to present their plans for collaborating with

others. I am so elated that our main guest on Saturday will be Democratic Mayoral Candidate Cherelle Parker, who will discuss her vision for keeping our city safter. Another esteemed guest on Saturday will be Superintendent Tony Watlington to discuss the School District of Philadelphia’s safety plans for the summer. We urge all Philadelphians to join us on both Friday and Saturday to help make a difference and bring about positive change.”

On Sunday, June 4, 2023, Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity encourages churches of all denominations to have alter calls with a focus on prayers for a safer summer in Philadelphia. The Black Clergy is asking that Pastors include a message about peace and talking things out; rather than resorting to violence when issues come up.

Planned by the Education Committee and the Criminal Justice Committee of the Black Clergy organization, Reverend Maxcine Collier, co-chair of the Education Committee commented, “As COO of Black Clergy of Philadelphia & Vicinity and one of the Co-Chairs of A Safer Summer In Philly…

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