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Bill Cosby back home with Camille

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So many columnists, journalists, talk show hosts, and opinion shapers have had their say on Bill Cosby being released from prison. Now, it’s my turn. If people were to go back into the archives of the SCOOP USA Media Newspaper, to the months during the time when Cosby’s name was being dragged through the mud with allegations of sexual misconduct and drugging women, the record will show I remained steadfast in my belief that Bill Cosby was not someone who would force himself on women. I wrote in several columns for the SCOOP, three years ago and four years ago, that I did not believe Bill Cosby forced himself upon the women who accused him of doing such.
I believe Bill Cosby is guilty of breaking his marriage vows. I believe Bill Cosby was probably a big-time philanderer during his heyday of making movies and television series and being in demand nationally and internationally. He may well also be guilty of allowing fame to go to his head and for getting a mindset that said, “I’m filthy rich and if I want to do some “feel-good drugs,” and have intimate relations with a woman who is not my wife, who is going to tell me no.”
That’s where I think Bill Cosby’s head was, probably for most, if not all the years of his popularity. I’m not just referring to “The Cosby Show.” He also starred in “Cosby,” “I Spy,” “Fat Albert,” “Ghost Dad,” and a host of other movies. There are those who start to act a little differently and act more privileged once they meet with fame.
At any rate on June 30, 2021, after serving two years of a ten-year sentence, Bill Cosby got to go home because his sexual assault conviction was overturned by the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court. In 2018, the actor and comedian were convicted of drugging and molesting Andrea Constand in his Montgomery County home.
Cosby’s spokesman said the 83-year-old should have never been charged. The district attorney said Cosby was released on a technicality unrelated to the facts of the case. The actor’s accusers said they were sickened by the court’s decision.
He had vowed to serve all ten years of his sentence rather than acknowledge any remorse or guilt over the 2004 encounter with accuser Andrea Constand.
For the record, Andrea Constand was an employee at Temple University during the time frame when she met Bill Cosby, and he allegedly drugged and molested her. The incident was supposed to have happened at his suburban Philadelphia estate, where he lives with his wife, Camille.
Sixty women, all in total, came out of the woodwork to accuse Bill Cosby of various levels of misconduct before, during, and even after the trial on the accusations made by one woman, Andrea Constand. The accusations from the 60 women ranged from alleging Cosby committed sexual assault, or groping, and even rape. Some of these alleged situations happened as far back as 1960.
Over and over again, Bill Cosby has been steadfast in denying all allegations of non-consensual sex. On the day he was released from prison, he denied all those allegations again. His story is unchanging.
None of the women who pointed a finger of blame at Bill Cosby in 2014 and 2015 could have their day in court because the statute of limitations had already run out. Andrea Constand was the only one who could by law, actually take Cosby to court. In 2006, Andrea Constand filed a criminal complaint against Bill Cosby, but authorities at that time said there wasn’t enough evidence to do anything. She then filed a civil lawsuit and got paid 3.4 million dollars. Then in December of 2015, the old case came back up, as the Montgomery County District Attorney filed an aggravated indecent assault charge against Cosby. His first trial ended in a mistrial in 2017, but Cosby’s personal nightmare still wasn’t over. He was retried in 2018, which led to his conviction and ten-year sentence in a PA State prison.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in Cosby’s favor on June 30th on the basis of District Attorney Bruce Castor’s dismissal of charges back in 2005. The court cited Castor’s decision from 2005 in an effort to force Cosby to give up his 5th Amendment right not to incriminate himself.
There was some shaky shady stuff going on with Bill Cosby’s case from 2005 up until 2018. Let that old man be. I’m glad he’s home. Personally, I think he is guilty of breaking Camille’s heart? Probably so, more than a few times, but not guilty of these other things. That’s my take on The Coz.

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