“Melanin is the superpower that separates us from everybody else. Melanin is to hue-mans, like chlorophyll is to plants, like carbon is to minerals. Nobody has the capacity to do what we can do. Melanin is the most powerful molecule in the human domain.”
Mfundishi Jhutyms
Spiritual Warriors
The Power and Advantages of Melanin
1-Protection against aging
2-Protection against harmful radiation
3-Protection against air-borne abrasives
4-Protection against long immersion in water
5-Protection against harmful effects of cold
6-Quicker muscle response
7-Better sight
8-Increased information from the environment or “Vibes”
Melanin has the ability to absorb harmful radiation, store it, and use its energy harmlessly. Europeans and poorly pigmented people can develop agonizing skin burns and skin cancer (melanoma) when they receive too much radiation from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Protection against air-borne abrasives
The authors of ‘The Journey of the Songhai People’ inform us that munition manufacturers of gunpowder noted during WWII that white workers had tremendous absenteeism and skin cancer while having no such effect on Black workers.
Protection against cold air
Melanin protects against frostbite, which can result in gangrene if not treated properly.
When the weather is extremely cold, our capillary muscles contract to keep the blood away from the frigid weather and closer to the warming chemical furnace within our bodies.
The courageous Black explorer Mathew Henson was the very first man in history to reach the North Pole region. Admiral Perry, a caucasian and lead explorer of the Arctic expedition, could not make it to their destination because of his severe frostbite. Mathew Henson developed no skin ailments.
Protection against extended immersion in water.
Skin that is not protected by Melanin absorbs water and is damaged by extended immersion. Melanated skin has a continual lubricating oil excretion and a release of stored energy. The simultaneous release and excretion help to develop long-term protection against extended water immersion.
Melanin produces better eyesight
The lens of the eye is operated by muscles, and the stored Melanin in these muscle cells produces an efficient “focused tuning” of these lenses. Scientists and optometrists have concluded that the darker the eyes, the better the sight.
Melanin helps to provide information to the brain.
Insight and intuition result from the ability of the melanocyte to transmit certain positive or negative signals to the brain that are picked up from the surrounding environment.
Our Melanin on higher levels
Dr. Jewel Pookrum informs us that during certain time periods in our history, Black people used very little, and in some cases, no solid food. We were able to sustain ourselves through the absorption of natural sunlight and other energy forces, such as radio waves, sound waves, and energy from the earth’s magnetic spectrum.
She also informs us that there is also a relationship between the immune system and Melanin. Dr. Pookrum indicates that experiments have been performed that prove that any tissue that has been washed with Melanin can’t be infected by certain diseases. Numerous diseases and viruses can’t penetrate a healthy melanated cell.
Melanin also depends on vitamin B to keep itself clean. When we consume synthetic foods, we don’t get enough vitamin B, and a lot of the toxins end up in our bloodstream. When our Melanin becomes toxic, it loses the ability to function properly, which can lead to physical and mental disease and deterioration.
Melanin produces a greater sense of hearing
Our beautiful Black Melanin is also involved in hearing different sounds. The study of sound is the study of vibrations and harmonies. Sound is a form of life. Sound s a particular range of vibrations or movements of atoms in the spectrum of light. Melanin, as a (photo receptor) receiver of light, is a door in which light enters the Black body through our various sensory organs. Black people hear better than any other people on the planet. Melanated people have the ability to hear a higher frequency of sound waves. The sound waves that pass beyond the limit to which people can’t respond are called ultra-sound. Our ancient ancestors could pick up these particular sound waves. Today, in our oppressed state, only (11) out of (20) octaves of sound can be registered by our current sense of hearing.
Our brilliant Dr. Llaila Afrika explains the many different advantages that Black people have as we relate to sound and music. Dr. Afrika teaches us how music enters our bodies by way of skin, eyes, and ears. In his book ‘Afrikan Holistic Health’ Dr. Afrika teaches us how the sound of music can stimulate our melanated organs and have a healing effect on diseased and infectious organs.
Sisters and brothers, listening to music heals your body.
Not only do we hear music, but we also feel music!
Not only do we hear music, but we also feel music!
The effect of musical notes on Black people
*D- Helps with digestion and fights against diseases/infections involving the lungs and respiratory system
*G-Stimulates tranquility and peace, helps to eliminate infection
*C-Helps to fight against blood diseases
*E-Purification- assists in healing diabetes, intestinal, and bowel diseases
*B-Helps to strengthen the nervous system, eyes, and brain and fights against insomnia
*F-Helps strengthen the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart circulation
*A-Helps to fight diseases and infections of the ears, eyes, nose, throat, and mouth and helps with emotional disorders.
“Through our activated Melanin, we perceive visions from afar and near. The past, present, and future are projected upon our minds the same way that images are projected through our televisions. We were able to hear conversations with people afar, using radio waves perceived and transmitted through our neuro-melanin.” Dr. Jewel Pookrum
Khabyr Hadas is an author and Director of The Marcus Garvey Archive and History Foundation. Hadas is a graduate of Cheyney University and teaches African History and Culture at Harambee Institute for Science and Technology Charter School, founded by Baba John Skief in 1972, khabyrhadas@gmail.com/@khabyrhadas
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