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Be the Difference. Join Philadelphia Police Force

Reading Time: 4 minutes

At a time in our nation’s history when we, African Americans, continue to witness so many Blacks shot by Police while walking or during traffic stops, it does give pause to wonder about the sincerity of some who wear a badge for sure. However, it is so unfair to label a group of human beings and believe they are all the same. In short, I do not believe that all police officers are “rogue cops” out only for them- selves. With everything in me, I still hold on to the thought that there are a lot more good and decent police officers in America, than there are killer cops, who will take anyone’s life, without a second of remorse.

Having said all that, let me announce that May is a major recruitment month within the Philadelphia Police Department for new candidates. This is an opportunity for good people who believe in law and order, who want to protect and serve, and who are healthy and in good physical shape to apply for the job.

Philadelphia needs more people of color within the Department. It is a very important job to wear a police uniform and to be on hand when your community, your city needs you to help protect the public. Some might say it’s a thankless job. But when you can come to the end of your work-day, and look yourself in the mirror and know in your heart you saved lives, you helped to correct some wrongs, you didn’t let the bad guys and the bad girls getaway, there’s got to be a sense of pride that comes with that knowledge.

I had the opportunity to interview Deputy Police Commissioner Robin Wimberly on May 13th. She says multi-steps are being taken to try and make sure that people who truly would like to join the Philadelphia Police Department have a fair chance. “We’re recruiting from May 1st to May 31st. We have two slogans at this time. “It’s Time for a Change” and “Be The Difference. “We’re looking for members from the community we serve, to come and be the difference in the Police Department. Applicants must be at least 22 years old and a resident of Philadelphia for at least a year. You must be a high school graduate or have earned a GED. Interested people can apply online at www.join- phillypd.com.”

Deputy Police Commissioner Wimberly added,” What we noted from past Police Exams is that where some peo- ple were not doing well on the exam was with the physical agility part of the test and the reading test. What we’ve done to address that, for the physical agility test we have partnered with the YMCA at three locations, Broad and Master in North Philadelphia, 52nd and Chestnut in West Philadelphia, and 17th and Christian in South Philadelphia. These three YMCA’s have staff on hand that has created a boot camp style class, focusing on overall conditioning and specific preparation for the fitness pre-test. We also have partnered with the Police Foundation and we’re working with Penn State, which is preparing a curriculum to help the candidates for the reading portion of the test. They’re also creating a guide to help candidates understand standardized testing. We will offer virtual as well as on-site forums to help answer questions and get people through the process.”

You cannot be a convicted felon and become a police officer. You also must pass a drug test and a mental health test, along with a physical exam, in addition to the physical agility test, to make it to the Police Academy. Let me go back to the drug test for a minute. (This is Thera Martin talking now), not Deputy Police Commissioner Wimberly. My “Mother-wit” tells me there are probably some good people out here in Philadelphia who fit all the requirements to become a police officer except, but they may have been smoking some marijuana. Depending on where you live, marijuana may be legal. If you moved to Philadelphia recently but you are now an official resident, and you’d like to take the Police Exam, but you know you’ve been smoking, stop smoking immediately and get your system clean so you can pass the drug test. Some people may have gotten a medical marijuana card because of some ailment. You didn’t do anything illegal. But if you want to pass a drug test, but the medicinal marijuana down now as well.

Everyone interested in becoming a Philadelphia Police Officer signs up online at https://joinphillypd.com/. They get their placement, and then they are all called in for orientation. When they come in for orientation, all candidates must do the written test. If you pass that, then you’ll be given a PDQ book. You also have to do a 1⁄2 mile run. You must be physically fit, and you must be able to read at a 10th-grade level. Some people struggle with standardized tests. That’s why there are workshops in place to support those who want a solid shot at possibly joining our ranks.

Deputy Commissioner Wimberly stated this in closing. ”I say let’s be the difference. I’ve been doing this for 32 years. I was born and raised in South Philly. I still live in Philly. I’ve raised my children in Philly, and I still love this city.”

The starting salary for a Philadelphia Police Officer is $56,227. If you have questions beyond what has been shared in this column, call 215-683-COPS, (2677).

FYI- On another critical note, don’t forget the Spring Primary Election in PA is Tuesday, May 18th. Be sure to read my Civics 101 column in today’s edition of the SCOOP for final reminders on what offices are up for grabs on Election Day. Any questions before election day, call 215-686-3462 or if you have internet accessibility, log on at www.votespa.com to get all the latest election day informa- tion for Pennsylvania. Happy Voting!

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