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Are You Ready for your Trip?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Lord, give us the faith and preparedness to be ready when it is time for us to face death and take our journey home. 

The story is told that it was the beginning of a holiday weekend, and the gas station was crowded with motorists and cars. Finally, the gas station attendant hustled up to one of the local ministers, who had waited in line for some time. “Sorry about the delay,” the attendant apologized. “It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for the trip he’s planned.” The Pastor smiled and said, “I know what you mean. I have the same problem in my business.” 

My friend, there is a trip that we all must take, and it behooves us to plan for it. I can’t tell you when your trip or my trip will begin. All I can say is one day, we are going to take a trip. God is going to call us to take that final trip, and when the time comes, you better be ready. Last week, “SIX” people I know took their trip. Yes, three of them on the same day. Yes, you are going to take your trip on the same day or week as someone else, but you will take it alone. So I ask you, “Are you ready for your trip?”


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