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Glenn Lundy breaks down how he gained 10,000 Clubhouse followers in one week

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“I believe if we can change the way you start your day, it will make a massive impact in your life!”

GLENN LUNDY I had the opportunity to speak on the same virtual stage as Glenn Lundy, as he was breaking down the topic of monetizing your podcast. Since then, I have watched him grow his Clubhouse following from 0 to over 80,000. Glenn Lundy is the Host of the #RiseandGrind Facebook Morning Show and Breakfast With Champions on Clubhouse Room with over 60,000 Followers! Husband to 1 and Father of 8!

Meet Glen Lundy

Who I was is no longer who I am. However, who I was has made me the man I am today. God managed to lift me from behind bars and homelessness. Out of the depths and has allowed me to make an impact on this planet. It’s an opportunity I take seriously.

Shelly Shell: The most amazing thing is that, as a believer, you include Christ in everything that you do. How did you decide how you were going to share the message without alienating other people?

Glenn Lundy: So I lived on both sides of being a believer, I spent the first almost 30 years of my life not believing at all whatsoever, and then I spent the last 13 years on the other side of that. I think it’s just knowing and understanding the perspective that I used to have and never forgetting that. I hated it when people came at me in a certain way. I don’t want to be that person. As far as my concern, the Bible says come as you are, so I try to meet people exactly where they are. If that means we identify because we both drank alcohol. We identify because we both had sex or babies before marriage. Maybe we identify because we have both been in jail. Maybe we identify because we have both been homeless before. Maybe we identify because we have both did drugs at some point. Whatever that identifying place is, I try to meet people where they are and stay cognizant of that all the time.

Shelly Shell: As I teach on repurposing, you are repurposing every morning for the #riseandgrind daily morning as you broadcast on Facebook, Instagram, and Clubhouse at the same time? How do you do this? What equipment are you using?

Glenn Lundy: I’m like a one-man band, you know like the guy that has the harmonica wired to his face, and he has got his feet strapped to some drums, and he’s playing the accordion and banging his knees together to be the cymbals. That’s me in the morning.

Glenn Lundy

Equipment Needed to Repurpose Your Content

1. RODECaster Sound Mixer hooked up to Clubhouse

2. Zenyx as second sound mixer hooked up to Facebook

3. Two different microphones. One running to Facebook and one running to Clubhouse

4. Instagram on an additional Cell Phone on Podium

5. Audio MP3 Files Running into Clubhouse

6. Video with sound into Facebook (You see it and hear it)

7. Instagram you get the behind scenes of the whole thing

8. It’s Coordination and Clicking Buttons

Glenn Lundy: I’ve also done this show 856 times. I haven’t always done it on Clubhouse. I’ve only done it the last 100 times, and I haven’t always done it on Instagram. That’s only the last 50 times.

Shelly Shell: The Clubhouse app is fairly new. You grew your following to 10,000 in one week. How did you know that you could dominate it in a powerful way?

Glenn Lundy: Ever since I watched Martin Luther King speak for the first time on video and saw the way he was able to impact the nation with his voice, with his words. I’ve always loved words, and I love the power of words, the power of your voice. I love that. I’m fascinated by it. I’ve studied Les Brown, Eric Thomas, Jim Rhone, John Maxwell, all of the greats, Lisa Nichols. My show #RiseandGrind was a combination of delivering a message voice-wise and including some video concepts, but as soon as we got over to Clubhouse, I was like, it’s was a no- brainer. I was on the app on a Saturday, and I spent 16 hours on the app listening, what’s going on, how the room worked, let’s figure it out, all the stock. And Sunday, I was like yup! I’m going to start streaming my show onto here. It’s the power of the voice. You can strip away all the video and cameras and all that stuff. If you’ve got the voice and the inflection, you can make a difference. I was on the app on Saturday. On Sunday, I said let’s do this, and on Monday opened my first room on Clubhouse and started streaming the show on there, and now our club has 60,000 followers. I’ve got 82,000 followers, and it’s been 100 days plus now.

Shelly Shell: You believe and speak, on the fact, that whatever you do in the morning sets the stage for your suc- cess. What are some of those morning tips you use to get your day started so that your day is successful?

Glenn Lundy: It’s super important that you tap into mind, body, and spirit every single morning. You have to tap into all three on a foundational level–so that you can root yourself so that you prepare for whatever storms come throughout the day. We all know that the storms are com- ing. The way that I do that is real simple:

5 Simple Steps To Start Your Morning with Success – Glenn Lundy

Step 1: Never hit the snooze button. The snooze button is the devil. Stay away from that sucker.

Step 2: Don’t touch your phone first thing in the morning. I grab the phone and put it on YouTube, and I listen to instrumental music. No words, I don’t want anybody to influence me in the morning. No social media, no emails, no text messages, no phone calls, no notifications, no nothing. I strictly use it for music instrumental only, and I drop it on.

Step 3: I write down the things that I’m thankful for, and then I write down my goals, and I call that one step, not two. It’s one step because I believe that just writing goals by themself can sometimes actually have a negative effect. I wish I had more money. I wish I had a bigger house. I wish I was better looking. You start writing those things down, and you start to feel like who you are right now is not good enough. We want to start with gratitude. I’m thankful for a roof over my head. I’m thankful for my health and that I woke up today. I’m thankful that my utility bills are paid, as of this moment. I’m thankful for that, and then we go into goals, a bigger house, better looking all the different things. But you’re coming from a positive state. Where you are now is good enough, and we’re seeking greatness. That’s the shift. So I always do gratitude first, then the goals.

Step 4: Then I take care of the physical. I don’t care if you walk, crawl, run, whatever. An object in motion tends to stay in motion an object at rest tends to stay at rest. So get the body moving, get the heart pumping, get the blood flowing.

Step 5: Send out an encouraging message. Once you’re all jacked up in this energetic space, now you must release this powerful energy out into the world. Whether it be a text message, Facebook message, write a little sticky note for one of your loved ones, stick it on the wall. Release that positive energy to make an impact in somebody else’s life. And when you do this, it’s crazy cause not only does that energy go out and impact them it ultimately gets converted and comes back to you to give you more fuel to keep ongoing. So those five simple steps, you do those every day, and it’ll change your life.

To connect go to GlennLundy.com

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