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Achieving Higher Standards: How a Philadelphia-based organization has raised up a neighborhood for 40 Years

Reading Time: 2 minutes

PHILADELPHIA, PA–“It takes a village to raise a family” so the saying goes, but what about the entirety of an impoverished neighborhood? 

ACHIEVEability strives to do just that–to raise individuals and businesses above the socioeconomic dividing line and lift the neighborhood to become a gleaming beacon of hope, achievement, and of course, sustained success. 

Numerous individuals who have participated in sponsoring and supporting this American Dream were celebrated during the 40th Anniversary of the Foundation on October 19th at The Mann Center in Philadelphia, PA–and I felt honored to attend as the official media sponsor of the event. 

As a radio show host of Food, Farms, & Chefs, I was on-location interviewing some of the heroes behind ACHIEVEability during the event. 

You can find the collated recordings by listening to them at this link: 


One of the individuals I interviewed who participated in the programs they offer is also one of the many success stories of what society (and individuals) can accomplish when society pulls together to provide the correct support to lift others. 

The person whom I speak of is Siddiq Moore, Founder and Owner of Siddiq’s Real Fruit Water Ice. Not only did Siddiq utilize ACHIEVEability’s programs to become a huge success, but he also gives back to the program, helping others to have a stepping stone towards accomplishments of their own. 

In fact, he attended the 40th Anniversary as one of the purveyors, offering his all-natural water ice throughout the evening as a sweet treat to accompany the many other delicious foods to sample. 

Siddiq Moore’s story is not the only one to be heard, countless others have been lifted by the foundation by way of developing housing units for families, offering health and wellness events, creating a Work Smart program, creating Community Centers, and even an ACHIEVEability Community Development Corporation and a Targeted Corridor Management Program for the 60th Street Commercial Corridor. 

There are many accolades to be given to the ACHIEVEability foundation, and I hope to see many more success stories developed from the programs and community centers they’ve created; but in the end, I wish for their mission’s goal to be achieved: 

“To permanently break the generational cycle of poverty for low-income, single parent and homeless families through higher education, affordable housing, supportive services, community, and economic development and accountability,” mission statement obtained from ACHIEVEability’s website. 

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