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Rep. Scanlon, local elected officials and climate leaders highlight historic federal investments for Southeast Pennsylvania to expand clean energy, create jobs, and fight the climate crisis

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PHILADELPHIA, PA, October 6, 2022 – Today, U.S. Representative Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) joined Philadelphia City Councilmembers Kendra Brooks and Isaiah Thomas and Green Building United’s Rich Freeh for a press conference to thank President Biden and Pennsylvania’s congressional climate supporters for passing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). 

The Inflation Reduction Act alone will invest billions in the clean energy sector, creating jobs and slashing climate pollution by an estimated 40 percent by the end of the decade. 

“The Inflation Reduction Act is nothing short of historic, and its programs are a down-payment on Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania’s future—one with more clean energy, more good jobs, and healthier communities,” said Rep. Scanlon. “The hallmark of this law is the structure it puts in place to advance environmental justice and help communities recover that have been disproportionately affected by climate pollution without penalizing the workers in any particular industry, making sure that America’s transition to a cleaner future will leave no American behind.” 

“We’re on the verge of a clean energy revolution in our country. The Inflation Reduction Act will help spur domestic manufacturing of clean energy infrastructure and clean vehicles,” said Councilmember Brooks. “The Inflation Reduction Act mobilizes investments that will create hundreds of thousands of good-paying clean energy, transportation, and housing development jobs that Philadelphians need to support their families and thrive.” 

The Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions will bring economic opportunity to Pennsylvania in the form of an estimated $270 million investment in large-scale clean power generation and storage by 2030. Speakers also urged the Biden administration to implement strong federal pollution protections to cut climate pollution in half by 2030—which President Biden promised, and scientists say is needed to improve air quality and protect public health. 

The panel also applauded the IRA for enabling programs that will make clean energy more affordable and accessible to American families. Investment in the clean energy sector is poised to create 144,000 jobs in Pennsylvania and spur the mass adoption of cleaner buses and vehicles, which will enhance air quality in Philadelphia and the rest of Southeast Pennsylvania. 

“No climate action is complete without the promise of environmental justice. Weatherizing outdated buildings and homes, especially in neighborhoods that have traditionally been underserved, is one of the many programs that the Inflation Reduction Act will enact to bolster energy efficiency,” said Councilmember Thomas. “These measures, including the weatherization of homes and the installation of energy-efficient heat pumps, are critical to helping low-wealth communities save on energy costs and make the switch to clean energy, a switch that would otherwise be out of their reach.” 

Mr. Freeh, Executive Director at Green Building United, also applauded the IRA for its provisions to boost energy efficiency. “What our work has shown us is that demand for energy-efficient, sustainable, and healthy homes and workplaces is far outpacing current supply. The Inflation Reduction Act provides the tax incentives we need to increase development and retrofitting of buildings, we badly need right here in Philadelphia and across our region,” said Mr. Freeh. “Those incentives go beyond just brick and mortar projects to also include fair labor wage standards and training for hardworking Philadelphians, making building green a win-win for all.” 

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