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Gov. Wolf joins educators in celebrating historic education funding for public schools

Reading Time: 2 minutes

GLENOLDEN, PA, August 25, 2022– Governor Tom Wolf joined students, educators, and legislators in the Southeast Delco School District to celebrate the administration’s historic $3.7 billion investment in public education over the past eight years. 

“When I came into office, I promised the people of Pennsylvania that I would work with the legislature to make education and the future of our children a priority again,” Governor Wolf said. “I was honored to sign this year’s historic budget, which includes the largest education funding increase in Pennsylvania history.” 

This year’s budget alone includes a record $1.8 billion in investments for pre-K through higher education. Over the Wolf Administration’s eight budgets, pre-K through 12th-grade funding has increased by $2.7 billion. 

Speaking at the district’s Kindergarten Center, Governor Wolf recalled that increased state support for education was the primary motivator in his decision to run for office. That priority was still front and center in this year’s budget talks, resulting in: 

• $525 million increase through the Fair Funding Formula. On average, Pennsylvania schools will see their funding increase by 8 percent. 

• $225 million increase for Level Up to provide targeted support to the 100 most in-need school districts, ensuring that every child in Pennsylvania has the opportunity to thrive and succeed through equal access to a high-quality education no matter their zip code. 

• $100 million increase for Special Education. 

• $79 million increase for Early Education through Pre-K Counts and Head Start. 

• $220 million for public higher education. 

“House Democrats fought hard for this year’s historic increase in school funding because we know that Pennsylvania can’t succeed if our students don’t succeed, and access to a great education shouldn’t be based on ZIP code,” Democratic Leader Rep. Joanna McClinton said. “With record investments, schools around the state, like Southeast Delco, can prepare children to reach their full potential.” 

This year’s investment in education includes $850 million in reoccurring funding to allow school districts to invest in student learning while simultaneously–cutting local property taxes. 

“I’m proud to announce $28.67 million dollars in education funding for the Southeast Delco School District. Education has always been a top priority for me and the people of this district,” said state Rep. David Delloso. “These critically important resources will go towards supporting students in grades K-12, Pre-K, STEM and special education.” 

Even before the 2022-23 budget was finalized, the Wolf administration had: 

• Invested more than $1.8 billion in education from pre-k through college, including the largest single-year education funding increase in state history in 2021. 

• Created the Level Up initiative to provide $100 million to the 100 most underfunded school districts. 

• Established the Public School Fair Funding Formula to help address chronic inequitable and inadequate funding for school districts in the Commonwealth. 

• Invested $116 million in science, computer science, and technical education, including $80 million in the innovative PAsmart program and $36 million in apprenticeships and workforce training. 

• Modernized standards for science education. 

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