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Re-Awakening of the Black Mind

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Richard King, a brilliant Black scientist and author, informs us that “most Black people are dead today because we don’t have control of our minds. We do not know how our minds operate, and so we would rather allow our slavemaster to think for us. Many Black people are so mentally dead that we are actually ant-intellectual-afraid to read, afraid to materialize our own dreams and institutions.” 

Dr. King explains in one of his most powerful books ‘African Origin of Biological Psychiatry’ that the hallmark of Hue-manity was the mind. The mind stores the ability to think, observe, measure, theorize and communicate with nature. He goes on to inform us that the Black mind was indeed the reservoir of millions of years of African experience in science, medicine, art, religion, architecture, psychology, and culture. 

It is also extremely essential to realize that it is totally impossible to tap into the core power of our minds without looking deep inside our Black selves and touching our past. “THE WAY OUT IS BACK THROUGH.” Marcus Garvey taught us that “a people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.” Dr. John Henrik Clarke made it quite clear that history tells us who we are, what we have been, what our full potential is, what we still must be and where we still must go! 

Sisters and brothers, remember we are our ancestors’ daughters and sons. Our thoughts include their thoughts. Our work and deeds, include their spirit, and our blood, includes their blood. Dr. Naim Akbar informs us in his book ‘Light From Ancient Africa’ “that the blood that courses through our bodies and keeps us alive is, itself, the essence of physical life. That blood is not our blood; it is the blood that came from our mother, which came from her mother, and so on. Remember that during the nine months before we came into this world, the blood that we have was interchangeable with our mother’s. Our ancient ancestors called this blood which previous generations have passed down through the ages, ‘Ka.’ He goes on to inform us that “the blood that flows through our veins was transmitted by our ancestors who did the job of surviving.” Those experiences that previous generations have already endured, confronted, and overcome– are passed on in the blood. There are many diseases and environmental battles that we do not have to fight because the blood of our ancestors has conquered those enemies and passed the trophies down to us. From them, we have inherited not only physical characteristics but also a structural consciousness of accumulated wisdom and light. 


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