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Resurrection: Return to life, transformation, rebirth, coming back into notice 

Millions of Christians around the world just completed their celebration of Easter, the essence of the Christian ethos; the rising of Yeshua from the dead, thereby accomplishing his earthly mission: the redemption of humanity, victory over death, and providing righteous immortality to the believers. 

On a less lofty yet practical note, the word resurrection also means rebirth, renewal, and transformation–which is something we can attain and accomplish here and now. Transformation is not a strictly religious idea or notion, although it is at the core of most organized religions today. Unfortunately, we have consigned the notion of personal transformation to an idealistic naiveté, something one rarely accomplishes–or if they do, it’s done to earn more money, gain higher social status, or some other goal such as losing weight. 

All too often, personal transformation is promoted by gurus who are in it for the money as they sell and hype their books and other media. Don’t allow hucksters and charlatans to dissuade you from actualizing your full potential! History has shown there are people who genuinely love humanity, and who want us to grow and master the vicissitudes and challenges of life. The world’s most popular religions–are based upon the teaching of enlightened beings like Moses, The Buddha, Yeshua bar Joseph, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, Confucius, and countless others. Their message to us is that transformation, rebirth, or resurrection is possible and doable. 


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