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What if?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This is a story of a little boy named “Malcolm Harris” who woke up one morning and asked his mother, “Mom, what if there were no Black people in the world?” Well, his mother thought about that for a moment and then said, “Son, follow me around today and let’s see what it would be like if there were no Black people in the world.” Mom said, “Now go get dressed, and we will get started.”
Malcolm ran to his room to put on his clothes and shoes. His mother took one look at him and said, “Malcolm, where are your shoes? And, those clothes are all wrinkled son, I must iron them.” But when she reached for the ironing board, it was no longer there. You see, Sarah Boone, a black woman, invented the ironing board, and Jan E. Matzelinger, a black man, invented the shoe lasting machine.
“Oh well,” she said, “Please go and do something to your hair.” Malcolm ran into his room to comb his hair, but the comb was not there. You see, Walter Sammons, a black man, invented the comb. Malcolm decided to just brush his hair, but the brush was gone. You see, Lydia O. Newman, a black female, invented the brush. Well, this was a sight. No shoes, wrinkled clothes, hair a mess, even mom’s hair, without the hair care inventions of Madam CJ Walker, well you get the picture.
Mom told Malcolm, “Lets’ do our chores around the house and then take a trip to the grocery store.” Malcolm’s job was to sweep the floor. He swept and swept and swept. When he reached for the dustpan, it was not there. You see, Lloyd P. Ray, a black man, invented the dustpan. So he swept his pile of dirt over in the corner and left it there. He then decided to mop the floor, but the mop was gone. You see, Thomas W. Stewart, a black man, invented the mop. Malcolm yelled to his mom, “Mom, I am not having any luck.”
“Well son,” she said, “Let me finish washing these clothes, and we will prepare a list for the grocery store.” When the wash finished, she went to place the clothes in the dryer, but it was not there. You see, George T. Samon, A black man, invented the clothes dryer.
Mom asked Malcolm to go get a pencil and some paper to prepare their list for the market. So Malcolm ran for the paper and pencil but noticed the pencil lead was broken. Well, he was out of luck because John Love, a black man, invented the pencil sharpener. Mom reached for a pen, but it was not there because William Purvis, a black man, invented the fountain pen. As a matter of fact, Lee Burridge invented the typewriting machine, and W.A. Lovette the advanced printing press.
Malcolm and his mother decided to head out to the market. Well, when Malcolm opened the door he noticed the grass was as high as he was tall. You see, the lawnmower was invented by John Burr, a black man. They made their way over to the car and found that it just wouldn’t go. You see, Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gear shift, and Joseph Gammel invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines. They noticed that the few cars that were moving were running into each other and having wrecks because there were no traffic signals. You see, Garrett A. Morgan, a black man invented the traffic light.
Well, it was getting late, so they walked to the market, got their groceries, and returned home. Just when they were about to put away the milk, eggs, and butter, they noticed the refrigerator was gone. You see, John Standard, a Blackman, invented the refrigerator. So they just left the food on the counter. By this time, Malcolm noticed he was getting mighty cold. Mom went to turn up the heat, and what do you know, Alice Parker, a black female, invented the heating furnace. Even in the summertime, they would have been out of luck because Frederick Jones, a Black man, invented the air conditioner.
It was almost time for Malcolm’s father to arrive home. He usually takes the bus, but there was no bus because its precursor was the electric trolley, invented by another black man, Elbert R. Robinson. He usually takes the elevator from his office on the 20th floor, but there was no elevator because Alexander Miles, a black man, invented the elevator. He also usually dropped off the office mail at a nearby mailbox–but it was no longer there because Phillip Downing, a Black man, invented the letter drop mailbox, and William Barry invented the postmarking and canceling machine.
Malcolm and his mother sat at the kitchen table with their heads in their hands. When his father arrived, he asked, “Why are you sitting in the dark?” Why? Because a Black man, named Lewis Howard Latimer invented the filament within the light bulb. Malcolm quickly learned what it would be like if there were no Black people in the world. Not to mention if he were ever sick and needed blood. Charles Drew, a black scientist, found a way to preserve and store blood, which led to his starting the world’s first blood bank. And what if a family member had to have heart surgery? This would not have been possible without Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a black doctor, who performed the first open-heart surgery. So, if you ever wonder, like Malcolm, where would we be without US? Well, it’s pretty plain to see. We would still be in the DARK!!!
This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd, letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today, my friend!
Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at http://www.yourspiritualmotivation.com. You can also buy my publication: “800 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from Amazon.com or www.wmrockybrown3rd.com or by email: wmrocbe@aol.com or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $20.00 s/h included.

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