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Getting youth involved in civil activities isn’t brain surgery

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How do we teach our children about civic engagement in a hands-on kind of way? There’s a number of things that can be done. 

In this column in the past, when I’ve written about getting youth involved in civic engagement, I suggested such things as having youth in the community become “Youth Block Captains.” That would entail young people learning under the direction of adults, what it is to be a block captain, and the responsibilities that come with it. One of the main things I know block captains do is to try and keep their block clean and always encourage other neighbors on the block to do the same. 

Bottom line, if everyone sweeps in front of their own door, many of our blocks across the city perhaps wouldn’t look so unkept. Block Captains organize block club meetings and help plan summer events on the block when permissible, such as a summer block party. 

Youth block captains, for example, could be in charge of organizing all the youth games and family-friendly activities and maybe even youth performances for all the neighbors to enjoy. Youth block captains could be assigned to sweep in front of the homes of elderly people who live alone on the block or need some help sweeping or putting out the trash. 


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