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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I pray that everyone participating in the 90-day challenge, now day 28, are meeting their personal goals and continuing to let their light shine. 

The late Marvin Gaye sang the song “What’s Going On?” I am wondering the same thing now. “What’s Going On” is a question we can and should ask when dealing with various issues happening on a local, regional, national or international level where the leadership is not representing the best interest of the people they said they would service. We are dealing with a high crime crisis, inflation, a homeless crisis, media bias, censorship of free speech, a border crisis, not to mention COVID-19, and leadership is failing. To fail is to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal. The number one goal of government is safety! Do you feel safe? Please look for God (Allah) to keep you safe! Please do not rely on any politician because most of them flip-flop, and most of them lie. Think about it, do you feel safe because of any policy passed lately? Do you feel free? Do you feel free to make decisions for yourself? Do you feel free to make decisions for people in your family? 

“What’s Going On” with the public school system? Whether they mask or unmask, what is the literacy rate locally? What is the literacy rate nationally? Long before COVID-19, there was a problem with the public school system, but who was talking about it? What politician was doing something about the literacy problem in public schools? According to worldpopulationreview.com, in 2018, “The 10 states with the highest literacy rates: 

1. New Hampshire (94.20%) 

2. Minnesota (94.00%) 

3. North Dakota (93.70) 

4. Vermont (93.70%) 

5. South Dakota (93.00%) 

6. Nebraska (92.70%) 

7. Wisconsin (92.70%) 

8. Maine (92.60%) 

9. Iowa (92.50%) 

10. Missouri (92.50%) 

Did you notice that no state in or near the Delaware Valley made that list, but according to the same website:

New York (77.90%) New Jersey (83.10%) Pennsylvania (87.40%) Delaware (89.30%) 

“What’s Going On,” why is this not a part of the conversation? The money should follow the student. If the school your child attends is failing to teach them, you should be able to put them in a school that will. I have noticed that some people are homeschooling their children now. Parents need to have more choices for a better education. Our children see adults not getting along on television and constantly disrespecting people with all the crime going on, but who is thinking about what is best for the child? Think about this, if a teacher is teaching a child and that child fails, what did that teacher get paid to do? 

The Bible says, “The truth will set you free,” but do you feel free? Do you feel free to express yourself? Do you feel free to learn? Do you feel free to improve? Do you feel free to reflect God (Allah)? If someone looked at your life, would they think you are a child of God (Allah) or a child of Satan? Do you strive to live by the word of God (Allah)? Do you strive to follow God’s (Allah’s) laws? Do you stand up for the truth? How? How, do you strive to reflect God (Allah)? God (Allah) is the only one that we can depend on. Please let Him guide your steps. Please let God (Allah) manage your money! Please let God (Allah) manage your health! We are the real temple of God (Allah), and what we do and think does tell a story. The Bible says, “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” Truth is the diet of a believer in God (Allah)! 

My grandmother would say, “If you lie, you will steal, and if you steal, you will murder.” The problem is that we as a whole do not correct the lie. The lie led to stealing, and the stealing, led to the killing, but God (Allah) said He would help us. We do not have a climate change problem; we have a disobedience problem. The Bible says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and see My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” God (Allah) does not lie!

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