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Do You Believe Your Own Eyes?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The question is, do you believe your own eyes? Come on. Everyone in America, over the age of 20, I would think, who is healthy and well mentally, and have some sense of country and concern for this nation, watched portions of, if not all of, what happened on January 6, 2021, in our nation’s Capitol. I know the television news crews weren’t able to capture everything, everywhere, that was going on, on that dreadful day, now stamped in our nation’s history. However, between all the networks, independent camera crews, and yes, even cell phone video footage, I would dare to think the nation saw enough to understand we witnessed an insurrection. 

I also happen to believe that there’s enough video footage evidence from the 45 President of the United States, that if ever tried fairly in court, he should be sent to prison, labeled a traitor, for his many crimes while running for office in 2016, and after being elected. Certainly, there’s video footage evidence of Donald Trump goading his MEGA supporters to show up in Washington D.C. and cause all kinds of havoc. 

I believe my own eyes. I know what I witnessed on January 6th, as an American citizen, and as a journalist. I was shocked. I was hurt. I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing, except that I do believe my own eyes. Tears ran down my face several times over the day. I wasn’t able to turn away from CNN most of all. This was America, I asked myself, as I sat alone in my family room, watching with horror, as a large group of 99% white people, charged towards the Capitol building, armed with all kinds of equipment, from ropes to ladders, to hammers, to pellet guns, to smoke bombs and more. These people came ready to do harm. 

They were not peaceful demonstrators coming to visit the nation’s Capitol. These people came to disrupt the American Government, and they were told to do so by Donald Trump. 

Even though all of this actually occurred, and I believe my eyes, because our Government is a Democracy, our lawmakers felt it best to set up a special committee to investigate what happened on January 6, 2021. 

The insurrection was an act of political violence that grew from the conspiracy theories and lies that Donald Trump, his kids, Cronies, followers, and supporters spread about the election outcome. “It’s not a secret that it was political. They literally were there to ‘stop the steal,’” said Capitol Police Officer Dunn. “When people say it shouldn’t be political, it was, and it is. There’s no getting around that.” 

The first hearing started on July 27, 2021, and was chaired by Congressman Bennie Thompson. Four police officers gave very powerful testimonies on the first day of the House Select Committee, investigating the rioting at the Capitol. Rep. Thompson committed to the officers who testified that they would get answers about what happened during the insurrection. 

“You carried out your duties at tremendous risk. We on this committee have a duty. However, a far less dangerous one, but an essential one – to get to the bottom of what happened that day,” he said in the hearing’s closing remarks. “We cannot allow what happened on Jan. 6 to happen again. We owe it to you and your colleagues, and we will not fail, I assure you, in that responsibility.” 

The emotional testimony given by the Police Officers was the beginning of the committee’s investigation into what happened on January 6, 2021. They want to know who knew about the insurrection plan in advance. Who was in on the planning, because there was clearly a plan in place, all surrounding the attack, etc. Democratic leaders are the ones setting the tone for the panel of lawmakers leading this investigation. Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans have dismissed it as a political sideshow created merely to discredit what they see as the legacy of former President Trump. 

In the weeks ahead, the panel of seven Democrats and two Republicans, all appointed by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, will contend with how they can make the biggest impact, how to choose which documents to seek and, to decide if they will try to force Trump — as well as some of their Republican colleagues who spoke to him that day — to testify. 

Democrats had pushed for an independent commission to get to the bottom of how pro-Trump supporters breached the Capitol in a deadly riot, attacked police officers, and disrupted the certification of Joe Biden’s November election win. After Senate Republicans blocked the commission, Congresswoman Pelosi moved forward with a select committee. 

The House of Representatives Select Committee overseeing this investigation will “soon” issue subpoenas, but at this time, have declined to say who would be targeted. I would think some of the very Republicans who were documented taking certain of the people later pointed out on video as some of the rioters, on tours in the Capitol building, just days before the insurrection, would be targeted. This at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic when Federal buildings were supposed to be closed to tourists? I’d put those Congresspersons at the top of my subpoena list, amongst others who were seen speaking at the rally just before the attack began in full or who were seen amongst the rioters in the midst of the take-over of the Capitol building. Subpoena all of them. 

I believe my eyes. Do you believe yours? Nonetheless, we have to go through this process, spend this taxpayer money having hearings to discover what we already know, at least 5,000 Donald Trump supporters, on his strong encouragement, showed up in our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021, armed and ready to try and overtake the American government and act like Joe Biden didn’t win the Presidential election. 

Stay tuned SCOOP Readers. In the upcoming weeks, as the hearings continue, I’ll be writing about the developments from the hearings in my SCOOP Column. 

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