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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I pray that you are staying safe and are continuing to strive to reflect God (Allah) in all that you say and do. We have so many things happening in our personal lives and all over the world, but let the people of God (Allah) keep South Africa, as well as Cuba in prayer. There is chaos that has been going on for several days and for different reasons, but unfair treatment is woven everywhere.
Why is it so hard for people to treat people as they would want to be treated? Why is it so hard for governments, including the US, to govern by freedom, justice, and equality in which the Creator gave us? Why do leaders say one thing before they get in office, but after getting in office, treat us like we suffer from Alzheimer’s, have a case of amnesia, or are just naive? I had to buy a book on Alzheimer’s to try to understand this treatment coming from the media and some politicians as it relates to defunding the police and voter identification.
Why would a person make a statement that could easily be proven untrue with previously recorded interviews or speeches by that person on the same issue? Why would the person make a false statement unless they thought the people listening suffer from Alzheimer’s, amnesia, or are just naive? According to the book Alzheimer’s Through The Stages by Mary Moller, she states, “In fact, Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that results in progressive and irreversible damage or loss of neurons that impair brain functioning. ‘Dementia’ broadly describes changes in the brain that cause difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, judgment, and memory. Dementia also encompasses many symptoms, such as changes in behaviors, memory, thinking, reasoning, and managing emotions, along with a general loss of cognitive functioning.” This is a very serious condition, and June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, but people that are experiencing this or helping someone that is, they deal with this all year.
Most people remember! The protest in South Africa is because people remember and want things to change! The protest in Cuba is because people remember and want things to change! Is more government really the answer? Have anyone talked to the people in these countries? In Cuba, some of the ways to communicate with others outside of the country have been cut off, but by who? Why would someone cut off any line of communication? What is it that leadership does not want to be seen?
This is the way censorship in the US must be addressed because who are you to tell someone what they can or cannot hear? Why would anyone try to take the free will that God (Allah) has given? The speech that Minister Farrakhan gave on July 4, 2020, was censored, but why? Why would someone take information that may help people but oppose what the government is saying down? Who and why would someone interfere with people getting more information? I do not have Alzheimer’s! I like to hear both sides and then find you in the word of God (Allah).
The Bible says, “The Lord will make you lose your mind; he will strike you with blindness and confusion.” (Deuteronomy 28:28) Now some translations use the word madness or insanity, but I think this is an example of Allah (God) turning you to that which you turn yourself as stated in the Holy Qu’ran.
When we look at history and prophecy, a prophet was against the leaders of that time. The goal was to warn the people about what was coming if they did not change from their wicked ways and now we are in it again. Anyone that has read any of my articles (three years in August), I have tried to encourage all to obey the laws of God (Allah), help others according to His word, be good examples of righteousness, and listen to Minister Farrakhan for yourself. Listen, the Million Man March was historic not just because nearly 2 million men showed up, but it was on a Monday. That is a very important fact because Monday is the start of the workweek, but on that day, nearly 2 million men said no! Millions more that did not go to Washington, D.C., stayed home from work that day to stand in unison. I remember, and I remember what the word of Allah (God) says in the Bible, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20)
Every citizen has a social security number and most adults have some form of photo identification, but if they do not maybe monies should be provided so that when doing business, they can be verified and hopefully cutting down on identity theft. Yes, people steal people’s identity and LifeLock as well as other services are good to have, but we need to be more watchful to make theft more difficult. The Bible says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) We must fall in love with the truth! We must fall in love with doing the will of God (Allah)!

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