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Mastermind for the Profit

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The year 2021 is going by so fast. It is actually unbelievable that we are only 6 months away from the year 2022. Have you accomplished your goals this year? Have you Masterminded the Hustle or has the Hustle mastered you? The last 16 months has been the opportunity of a lifetime for some people while others thought it was hell on earth. 

It seems like life stopped for a moment and now it has accelerated at maximum speed. Therefore it is imperative that we do not lose sight of our mission. What is your spiritual, personal, financial and physical mission this year? It is never too late to start. 

For the sake of this article, let’s talk about Mastering the Money or Hustling for the money. Every time I bring up subjects surrounding money, someone always says “Money isn’t everything.” I reply but “you need money for everything.” Research states that we only think about money 26 times a year, which averages out to twice a month. Most individuals are paid biweekly and living paycheck to paycheck and only think about money during the struggle. 

The Pandemic taught us that one job is not enough money and is not guaranteed money. Big shout out to all the businesses that found a way to keep their doors open, in addition to all breadwinners of the family who kept food on the table. I know that entrepreneurship is not for everyone, however it gives you an open check book. You can make as much money as you want. 

Let’s take a candid look at our financial capabilities while  increasing awareness and comprehension of financial concepts and improve our financial behavior. Just imagine what will happen to our lives in the next 6 months, if we make a few minor adjustments. Let’s acknowledge our brokenness and commit to change. Being broke is exhausting and demoralizing. That temporary state gives you a different perspective on debt, cash flow and your financial capability. I’ve been broke several times and I never want to experience that ever again.  I have documented and researched reasons why we experience that state of being broke and how to find resolution. Often times we feel the restrains of life’s struggles but want more. We don’t to give up on life’s gifts and being successful. Success being viewed as being whole and filled with ambition, drive and purpose.  How is this possible when you are so broke, broken, and shattered in so many ways? However, being broke is only a temporary situation. 

Brokenness is a state of mind. We can heal, bounce back and move forward. Today’s mental state does not determine tomorrow’s altitude. In life things fall apart, and break but we must be wise enough to use every piece, every scrap to patch ourselves back together and keep going. You never realize your fullest potential until you  are broken or go through tough times. 

Now that we are in the Post Pandemic era, let’s Commit to Change

The second step in developing and following a financial plan is to examine the Attitude Towards Money. Your mindset toward currency. 

✓ Are you ready to accept responsibility for changing your financial mindset?  

✓ Do you believe that you can and will change the way you make financial decisions?  

✓ Can you identify at least one benefit you hope to gain by changing your money management behavior? 

If you answered “YES” to those questions you are definitely ready and willing to start your path toward financial wellness.

Repeat after me

✓ I am ready to accept responsibility for changing my financial situation.  

✓ I believe I will change the way I make financial decisions.

✓ I hope to benefit from _________ through changing my money management behavior. 

Our WORD OF THE MONTH: liabilities 

Takes money out of your pockets, without benefit or return on investment.

“He is becoming a liability with his embarrassing behavior after the events.” 

Evaluate your liabilities and assets. Eliminate the liabilities and increase assets. Liabilities can cause you to go broke. I’ve experienced being broke, however I have learned, and I am still learning how to take control of my financial wellness and capability. I hope that sharing my insights will heal you because it has allowed me to get out my own way.     

Up Coming Events 

✓ Join the Mastermind HIVE – Transform your Life and Your Business https://form.jotform.com/202844347333151,  call 267-209-3339 or connect on Clubhouse. 

✓Looking for content creators for an upcoming project. If you have experience in app development, blockchain, 3D printing, drones, cryptocurrency, mobile, music production and songwriting, agriculture, or videography, click here https://forms.gle/QvcjPY4fnV14oDbF9

✓ Listen to “Finance Geeks” Talk Radio Monday 7pm and Saturday 11am.  Download the tune in-app and search for Free Agent Radio or log on to RADIO PUBLIC, SPOTIFY, ANCHOR, BREAKER

Please email:Mastermindthehustle@gmail.com for all inquiries.

Follow me on all social media platforms @drlesliegrace

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