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Incredible Black History Month Journey

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Praise be to my SCOOP USA MEDIA Family! What an amazing absolutely incredible Black History Month Journey! From one moment to another. Love, Compassion, and Enlightenment flowed like the Jordan River, bold, fierce bound with overwhelmingly significant personal and educational experiences embedded by way of an “Intergenerational Lovefest” seemingly to be one of a kind. What was most profound for me was, “We witnessed one of the most unique approaches of highlighting our own Historical Experiences and Developments anchored purely and directly from Our Homes, Our Blocks, Our Neighborhoods, Our Communities, and Ourselves!

All born out of the supreme legacies pushed forth by those who lived next door, down the street, around the corner! Yes, My Sisters and Brothers, it was all about us!” Like our Good Brother Ron Daniels and Sister Denise Ripley repeat all the time, “We Are The Leaders We Are Looking For!” Right There! Yes, right there is where the foundation of this Black History Month Celebration stemmed from.

And, to make it more real than ever, look at this disruptive mega-DOGE of federal chainsaw dogmatic policies currently pouring out of this new federal administration! Two of our most precious Sisters partnered with their YMCAs to host two phenomenal BHM Programs that lifted and enlightened Our Communities to its highest height boldly, educationally, and historically consumed wholeheartedly and praiseworthy! They powerfully showed the greatness we come from as well as the greatness within every one of Us!!!

Ms. Denise Ripley connected to the North Philly YMCA and she honored our historical makers, like the great former PA Senator Shirley Kitchen and Reps. W. Curtis Thomas and our present Democratic Leadership PA Sen. Sharif Street; 22nd Police District Captain Michael Goodson; Community Relation Officer James Samuel; Brother Henry Hunter from Sen. Street’s Office; Our Community Elder Ms. Vandella Goodman; Our Community Advocate and Leader Karen Jordan, member of the Girard College Freedom Fighters; Scoop USA Media’s Owner Sherri Horsey Darden, myself, Tyrone L. Reed and many other community leaders, organizers, educators and outreach specialists.

These are passionate individuals committed to their work, their people, and the struggle! Sister Denise Ripley, Community Leader/Block Captain and President of Mending Hearts, Inc., did a phenomenal job hosting and producing this incredible, historic, legendary community initiative said, “The Black History Month Program represents our glorious heritage and communities coming together boldly, proudly and empowered. It’s us as Black People, always remembering who we are, a people strong, brave, and striving to remain encouraging people. We have worked to do what’s necessary to leave a legacy of being dedicated people devoted to love and kindness. We have done more than enough! Why, because God said it, and so it is! Always know, A People United Will Never Be Defeated and Must Never Divided!”

Now, that’s the north side. Let’s see what the west side has to offer! All in all, this Black History Month Celebration was simply an out-of-the-body, over-the-top sensational educational experience for me! It was truly a prelude to Women’s History Month fashioned in an extraordinary women touch by two historical women makers! Sister Denise Ripley, I just shared with you and now Sister Diane Mills through her business conglomerate, DM Productions, in conjunction with the 52nd & Chestnut St. YMCA and her Associate Partners.

In my lifetime, I have never witnessed an intergenerational program, power-packed, explosive sight to behold featured event ever. This historic event mesmerized even the most curious mind. The activities were exceptional, and the honorees are homegrown, dynamic, and people-pleasing! All in their special ways, community leaders, public servants, political officers, families, and friends–making a difference! What stood out to me was the babies, the children bused in from Day Centers. Everyone was eating, drinking, learning, and having fun doing it all! What an amazing moment and time experiencing the exhilaration of a village–in its height, in it’s epic.

They paid tribute to our former Councilperson Jannie Blackwell, Past Educator Ruth Wright Hayre, Brother Jamilah Harris-Morrison, Ex-News Extraordinaire Ed Bradley, Business-People Derek Grier, Lola Rooney, Deborah Butler, Walter Livingston’s Family, and many others.

BHWP was conceived while taking the August Wilson and Beyond Seminar at the University of Penn in Conjunction with The Netter Center and Paul Robeson House under the instruction of Professor Herman Beavers and Susana Berger. All were a part of this Black History Month’s Community Festival and Legacy Acknowledgment!

Yes, indeed, from Black History to Women’s History Month. Our Sisters, these two great ladies opened our minds and hearts in a historical walkthrough, a personal journey of community legendary treasures that may have been lost if not brought to the forefront by the ingenuity of Denise and Diane being on point! Both, abounding in honest sincerity and with an amazing strength one must have to withstand the cruel and heartless realities many of us are confronted with each and every day. Case-in-point, week after week in Philadelphia, PA alone, there were multiple shootings, stabbings, and killings from one part of the city to the other, from babies to elders.

In Committee For A Better North Philadelphia (CBNP, Inc.) Senior’s Monthly Programming, there was a constant special prayer ceremony asking everyone to lift one another up in prayer, resting on a God-filled, Praiseworthy Moment of Peace and Tranquility in all of Our Spaces and Places. We are compelled to move beyond the many social ills we bring upon ourselves, particularly with the onslaught and raft of unbelievable, unknowing, unimaginable governmental policies and tactics ever witnessed in a civil governed society.

Let’s Keep It Together And Stay On Point With SCOOP USA Media! Your Support Is A Must To Keep THE INFORMATION COMING AND KNOWLEDGE FLOWING!

Always Pushing Forward, Brother Tyrone L. Reed


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