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Babylon Is Falling

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here we are a few weeks from what many say is the most critical presidential election in their lifetimes. Students of history say, this coming November 2024 presidential election, “America will either make history or be history.” Perhaps it will accomplish both.
Americans, in general, like to view themselves as being honest and candid. The truth is something different, and this may explain why, after 2,000 years, according to one calendar, religiously guided Americans are still ignoring their prophetic God-inspired scriptures such as the Book of Revelations and its long treatise on the fate of America. There, it says repeatedly, “Babylon is fallen.” Babylon is the name for a very corrupt, evil, legal, financial, and social government and lifestyle that ultimately led to its ruin from within. Historically, it is recorded as the Babylonian Empire. According to warnings in the book of Revelations, America is a resurrected Babylon Empire destined to suffer the same fate as its historical predecessor.
Then there are the admonitions of a not widely respected figure in the pantheon of Black Leaders, but arguably during his peak, was Black America’s most powerful leader ever, and that is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In 1965, he published the seminal book “Message to the Black Man in America.” On page 200, he says, “…one day America (the white man) will not be able to carry this nation of 22 million Black People on her back. Their world is getting very small, and if you are dependent upon this world, yours too, is getting very small.” In 1973, he released another book, “The Fall of America,” where he predicted that in the future, Babylonian America would fall. Did he say when? Not with dates, but he warned us to look at certain signs. One sign, he says, is when you see your politicians acting confused, lacking in character, and untrustworthy, and where the public is also extremely confused over the limitations of choices given to them. This confusion is evident today when the best two candidates America can produce to lead what is supposed to be the greatest country ever on Planet Earth are laughable (in the persons of) Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.
This Presidential election is not critical because of the candidate’s personality. Their campaigns are for entertainment purposes only, which is evident in the way they combat each other. No, the real critical piece is that America is in the midst of a civil war.
One outcome signifies the end of the old America and the heralding of a New World Order. To summarize, one side wants to see the Republic of America and all of its Bill of Rights and other constitutional rhetoric rendered null and void and for the American citizen to become a Global Citizen and the government to become democratic.
Another side wants to keep the nation’s status, the Bill of Rights, heavily reducing government bureaucracy, especially with the elimination of private non-American unconstitutional corporations such as the Department of Education, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Reserve Bank, etc.
Another reason why this coming election is very important is that it signifies that another second civil war is happening simultaneously with the aforementioned. This war is based mainly on sexual freedoms versus sexual restraints.
America was a wonderland economically, culturally, educationally, artistically, technologically, and socially. Many Americans, even if they complain about changes for the worse in their country, come back quickly to say, “This is still the greatest country in the world.” Or “Everybody is still trying to come here.”
Truth be told, neither of these comments is accurate any longer. Another group just threw up their hands, saying: “Well, what are you going do? It’s just as bad everyplace else.” This was once an accurate perspective. Throughout the history of the world, whenever one country enters its decline stage, other countries are in the process of rising up. However, today, the movement to fully instill a one-world government and transhumanism suggests that the entire seven continents will become hellish places to live.
The endgame for the once-great US Empire is now underway, and over the next few years, we shall bear witness as it tumbles downhill.
So, what are Americans to do?
Many are going to stay in denial about the internal wars and their outcomes, believing they can change Babylon (the System) from within. Many of the disenchanted, possessing large amounts of savings, are going to permanently leave the country–to where they can keep their liberties and wealth. So they believe.
There is another group that federal, state, and local governments are closely watching. They are those who cherish the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. Many of them believe America is their last stand and that the Government is going to forcibly take away their freedoms and wealth. So, they are prepared to defend themselves and agitate, especially if they determine that the coming election is fraudulent. So, military law and soldiers patrolling American streets is a realistic future scenario.
So, is America as we know it doomed to fall? Yes, without a doubt! What comes after depends on the will, or the lack thereof, of We the People.

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