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What Keeps Us Up at Night: ConcernsScoopUSA readers have about the election

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As I said in week one of this five-week series leading up to the election, I would share my concerns with our readers as well as hear their concerns. I need to preface my concerns by saying that I really believe that most of our elected officials aren’t grounded in reality, at least not the reality of the voting taxpaying working American. First, candidates should curtail all personal attacks and address the issues at hand. There’s a seismic difference between the world of ordinary Americans and those we’ve voted into office.

To that end, I am seriously considering not working the polls. Each year, I enthusiastically sign on, show up to take the class on time at the polls, ready to work to do my part as part of the team. This election cycle has felt vastly different. That enthusiasm I once had has been stamped out by endless television attack ads; countless political mailings (which I just trash) from candidates who until now didn’t know me or my community even existed; canvassers knocking on your door to tout the attributes of their candidate; and useless promises from self-serving candidates with personal agendas; because once they get your vote, you’re guaranteed not to see or hear from them until the next election cycle. This isn’t to say that all politicians and candidates are like that, but there are quite a few that fit the bill here.

This appears to be the most critical election in my entire voting career. The Supreme Court and its decisions The Supreme Court seems to have gone off the rails, and Justices appointed for a lifetime of service aren’t held to any standard at all. There’s no code of conduct or accountability in any area, from their behavior to the decisions they hand down. The nation’s trust has been corroded in this storied American institution and shows no signs of recovering. No matter the party of the president that appointed Justice to the court, they’re responsible for delivering clear, concise, nbiased opinions for every citizen on whatever case comes before them. At this time, it’s fair to say I’m conflicted.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others.” Mahatma Gandhi

Marie is a Haitian immigrant of 24 years who resides in Aston, Pennsylvania. The 41-year-old divorced mother of two shared that she was not appreciative of the comments made by Vice Presidential Candidate J.D. Vance regarding the consumption of dogs and cats. “Haitians like me come to this country, and we work hard, taking any job offered to us. I really don’t like either side. Trump always has some contention going on all the time, and his treatment and disrespect for women is worrisome. Racists seemed more emboldened during the Trump presidency. How are you going to make America great when you’re constantly driving a wedge between American–pitting one against the other? Harris isn’t much better, but all things considered, she’s the lesser of the two evils,” she said.

Akeem, a full-time Uber driver from West Philadelphia and an immigrant from Nigeria, says nothing really interrupts his sleep. “Quite a few issues concern him when he thinks about this election. The choices that we are confronted with are the economy, women’s freedom of choice, and taxes. I consider myself middle-class. I legally immigrated to this country 24 years ago. I’m a U. S. citizen, and I’ve voted in every election since I’ve been eligible. I already have my mail-in ballot ready,” said Akeem. “It’s not a hard choice with things being as blatant and obvious as they are now. You have a candidate who wants to wreak havoc with the Constitution and society and create a whole dictatorship, and you have another candidate reaching out to help ordinary Americans. What’s so hard? I vote my party until there’s a time when my party is out of step on the issues, and then I must vote my conscience.”

Jasmine, a 31-year-old African American married with children living in Woodlyn, thinks, “Trump’s stance on immigration is more about being racist than about protecting our borders. The government has no right to decide what I do with my body. I’m excited about the possibility of a woman being president. It’s something girls all over the world could look up to. Imagine being able to tell our daughters of the possibilities. As a woman, Harris understands the fight for reproductive freedom and supports the Affordable Care Act. We want to purchase a home. Harris has plans to aid first-time home buyers. The three things that worry me the most are racism, healthcare, and the economy.”

I’ve shared with you, my readers, more about how I feel about this election cycle, and some of our readers have added their voices–but despite all the turmoil, I believe most Americans, myself included, will go to the polls and vote for the candidate that most aligns with their values.

You must be the change you wish to see in this world.” Mahatma Gandhi.


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