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We Made It

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The phrase “We Made It” as I am using it in this setting, is a statement of achievement amid overwhelming odds. It is a proclamation of accomplishment for someone or a group that has had the deck stacked against them.

It is a way of saying that “in spite of the length of the journey, in spite of the roughness of the road and in spite of the many stumbling blocks which have been thrown in our way, we have overcome and we have reached our goal. Now, it must be noted that the statement “We Made It,” as I am using it in this context, does not refer to an ultimate goal–nor does it refer to a permanent victory.

For as long as we are citizens of this world, as long as we are pilgrims passing through this barren land, and as long as we are housed in these mortal bodies–every achievement is temporary, and every victory is short-lived. The celebration only lasts for a short while, and in many instances, it is only the prelude to another struggle. Yet, in the words of the songwriter, we are encouraged by the fact that “Each victory will help us, some way or other, to win.” So even though the statement “We Made It” has no permanency for us, it does, however, contain an element of encouragement, which tells us that the same grace that brought us thus far on our journey can be trusted to lead us into the future.

Now, it must also be noted that there is a vast difference between saying, “We Made It” and saying, “We’ve Got It Made.” You see, We’ve Got It Made is a statement of self-sufficiency and arrogance, but “We Made It” is an expression of humble jubilation.

“We’ve Got It Made” is a statement of over-confidence and cockiness, while “We Made It” is an expression of joy. When folks say, “We’ve Got It Made” in reality, they’re saying, “We’re not going any further.”

When folks say, “We’ve Got It Made, it means that they are already on the top, and of course, as we all know when you’re on top, there is only one way to go, which is down.

When folk say, “We’ve Got It Made” for all practical purposes, they are dead in whatever they are referring to.

However, the ultimate bottom line of the statement is that all those who truly have it made are dwelling in the cemetery. So we must be careful about saying, “We have it made” for nobody has it made until he crosses over the Chilly Jordan and sets foot on the Promised Land.

But the statement, “We Made It” is just a brief reflection and a celebration of victory despite an abundance of adverse circumstances. If you will let me give you a few examples of how folk can be justified in saying, “We Made It.”

When parents work hard and make great sacrifices to educate their children, and when they attend a Commencement Exercise and see that last one walk across the stage and receive that diploma, they can say, We Made It.

When a couple struggles (for many years) trying to pay for a home, and when they finally make that last payment, they can say, “Hallelujah, We Made It.”

When a mother who has had to rear a child (without the support of the father) and sees her child receive some high honor or be appointed to some prestigious position, she can say, “Thank God, We Made It.”

When loyal and dedicated church members have achieved success in some program or project despite the predictions of some members that it would be a failure, they can say, “Praise the Lord, We Made It!”

And beloved, don’t you know we (as African-Americans) know the meaning of those words, “We Made It.”

Now, believe me, I know as well as anybody that we still have a long way to go, but when we compare the situation now to what it used to be, we can say, “We Made It.”


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