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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 3 minutes

They say, “Ignorance is costly!” Why do people play on people’s ignorance? Why do people tell half of the story? Why do people only tell one side of the story? What is it that people telling a story know about its audience that they do not say? We need to stop repeating lies! If we do not know, we do not know, but we should not repeat a lie just to fill in the blank. When we repeat the lie, we are just as responsible as the first person who originally started the lie.

Some people have a tendency to exaggerate, which is a form of lying, to gain support in what they are saying. Some people have learned to weaponize a lie, and some- times it takes weeks, months, or years for the truth to come out. By then, what damage was done? By then, how many people made a decision based on a lie? By then, how many people died? By then, how many people lost money? By then, how many people lost their livelihood?

They say, “One of the smartest things you can say is, I don’t know.” Why? Why would admitting we do not know something is being smart? We allowed lying! One of Allah’s (God’s) attributes is The Truth, and when something is true, it is always relevant. One of the problems is Allah’s (God) words have been taken out of context, mis- understood, exaggerated, misrepresented…etc. to play on the ignorance of people. The Bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have re- jected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6) Most people over the years have become familiar with the first part of this scripture, but not the second part. Why? Why stop at the first sentence? The meat of it is stated afterward and explains why and what will happen because of our choice. Would that be an example of a half-truth? Would that be an example of misrepresenting the word of Allah (God)?

Our lives have changed during COVID-19, but there are some things coming out now that might have changed our reaction to this pandemic. If you have time, please listen to Minister Farrakhan’s message on July 4, 2020, to get more information on who we are listening to. We need to know who we are listening to and their motives, intentions, and ties should be considered, so we can properly weigh them. When a person is invested in something, will they tell us the truth? When a person is in a cya mood, will they tell us the truth? We have to learn when to ask questions and get the truth before making a decision.

How many people of more than 600,000 in the US and counting could
have been saved with the therapeutics? Why is the origin of where COVID-19 came from so important? Was this the first time a lab leak happened? What type of research was being done at the lab? Who should investigate? Why report on something as though it is fact and dismiss something as being a possibility before an investigation is done? We need to know the truth, and people need to stop playing on our ignorance because this is a life or death situation.

I went to the gas station on Tuesday to fill back up from half of a tank. It cost over $42.00. Now on Tuesdays at Exxon, the premium is the same price as the middle grade, so it would have been more. The price of gas is not the only thing that has increased. Is this another way to tax peo- ple? So, if I was on “E,” it would have been more than $84.00 to fill up during the special? Wow! I do not know about you, but $15-20 dollars makes a difference. Why have the gas prices increased? Why have the food prices increased? Why have the prices of various commodities in- creased?

The Bible says, “Hear the word of the LORD, You children of Israel, For the LORD brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land.” (Hosea 4:1) Please read the verses in between to get a better understanding of what is being said because we must learn to embrace and apply The Truth! If we do not embrace the Truth and the law of Allah(God), “He will forget us”! I strive to live by the law of Allah(God)! I strive to be pleasing to Allah(God), and even though I am not perfect, I strive for perfection by correcting my mistakes.

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