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Is there an attack on our ability to connect with THE CREATOR?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“The Weaponization of our DNA created “FUN-VAX” which is a Vaccine created by the DoD, designed to basically lobotomize someone by disconnecting them from their God Source. The inhibition of the VMAT2 gene aka “God Gene,” causes a cornucopia of issues combined with lessening one’s connection with source via brain chemicals by altering or stopping one’s serotonin or dopamine levels.” The God Gene VMAT2 https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the- god-gene-vmat-2/

I have been sharing the fact we are engaged in a protracted spiritual war, a literal life or death saga where one is a righteous warrior, a psychopathic usurper trying to play god or collateral damage. We, meaning most of humanity, are facing a spiritual extinction-level event (ELE), and I am not exaggerating.

Most people accept the fact we are multi-faceted beings. We have a physical body, we have emotions, we have a mind (which is different from our brain), and we have an animating spirit or life force that is designed to function harmoniously for our optimal health and wellbeing. Part of our being, our innate consciousness, was recognizing our animating spirit, what Western religions call a soul.

Alas, the West focuses primarily on the material. To them, whatever cannot be seen, felt, touched, smelled, or heard is non-sense, where we get their word nonsense. So, spirit and spirituality to them is spooky nonsense.

Aboriginal people knew our makeup was far more complex, that our total being encompassed several aspects. “The number of entities each person is thought to be made of varies among the various language groups.

The ancient Egyptians had seven whilst in traditional Africa, a person is variously thought of as made up of three to five entities from place to place. The Kuba of Zaire according to Budge, believe a person is made up of four, the body (Modgo) the soul (Mophuphu) the double (Ido), and the shadow (Edgidingi). Mercier mentioned five aspects of the self among the Fon, and there are three among the Asante. Five aspects of the person recur frequently in the lit- erature on traditional African worldviews as well as ancient African thought: the soul or the breath, the heart, the des- tiny or spirit double, the ancestral guardian, and the shadow. The body is of course also one aspect of the person all African peoples include in their worldview.” Person Divinity & Nature A Modern View Of The Person & Cosmos In African Thought. Chukwunyere Kamalu pages 51-52

Today Western scientists have mapped the human genome, and they have discovered a specific gene; vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). They call the God Gene. It is a gene that facilitates the flow of chemical neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in the human brain. “These genetic factors may have been favored during human evolution because spirituality has some positive effect on the individual’s ability to reproduce. Hamer identifies one candidate gene (SLC18A2, also called VMAT2, which encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 2), which controls the transport of key neurochemicals called monoamines and may account for a fraction of the genetic variation in spirituality. In fact, monoamine modulation is the mechanism through which many psychoactive drugs may work and through which some of these drugs (such as psilocybin) might produce intense experiences sometimes described as spiritual or religious.”


Look closely, and you will perceive the West’s myopic predilection towards materialism as opposed to aboriginal peoples’ focus on the non-material or spiritual reality.

I won’t go into this in more detail because the focus of this article is the very real fear the psychopathic oligarchs whose agenda is to play god are attempting to short circuit, diffuse or undermine our connection to spirituality. Fortunately for us, they are trying to do this by manipulating specific genes when, in fact, our spirituality/life force is infused in every aspect of our being throughout our bodies. Especially the energy centers called Chakras that correspond to our glandular system and critical organs. Unfortunately, their manipulations will have unintended consequences.

Some are theorizing the usurpers are using vaccines, inoculations, and gene splicing to alter our DNA. Specifically, the VMAT2 gene to make us less spiritual. “Imagine cutting and pasting genes in DNA, just like editing words in a document on a computer. CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology does just that, making it possible to replace genetic material with a simpler, cheaper, more precise method than ever before.

Dubbed ‘the biggest biotech discovery of the century’ supporters of CRISPR call out benefits such as potential cures for diseases like cancer, malaria, cystic fibrosis, increased crop yields, and correcting genetic defects. Opponents raise ethical concerns citing the law of unintended consequences, designer babies, and interspecies organ transplants.

With the market for gene editing expected to reach $3.5 billion by 2019, the stakes for companies, scientists, and entrepreneurs are high, with battles already being waged over patents. Notably, pharmaceutical companies are jumping in to protect their interests, too. Will the winner take all? Can CRISPR eradicate viruses like AIDS and Zika? Can science truly control genetics?” The God Gene VMAT2- Susan Price https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-god-gene-vmat-2/

When you couple gene manipulation with the brainwashing we see in the media 24/7/365: greed, gratuitous violence and sex, incivility, vulgarity, degradation, and the promotion of anti-social values and ideologies, we can see why this country is in rapid decline. We are indeed in a war for our very survival; do not sleep on this, disregard this information or cower in fear. Remember in this war, there are only three options: a righteous warrior, a psychopathic usurper, or collateral damage.

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