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Department of Aging releases 10-Year Strategic Plan on Aging designed to improve services for older Pennsylvanians Now and in the Future

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SOUDERTON, PA, May 31, 2024 – Recently, Governor Josh Shapiro and Pennsylvania Department of Aging Secretary Jason Kavulich announced the publication of Aging Our Way, PA – a 10-year strategic plan that will help transform service delivery to create the age-friendly Commonwealth that all residents deserve now and in the future. Aging Our Way, PA will serve as a roadmap for older adult services in Pennsylvania, ensuring services meet the needs of older adults as they move through different stages of life, addressing everyday issues such as healthcare, transportation, housing, long-term care, and social connections.

“Pennsylvania took one year to develop Aging Our Way, PA, while other states, like California, took two to three years to complete their plans. By quickly and conscientiously crafting this plan, we are showing residents of our Commonwealth and the nation that we are getting stuff done,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “We all know our older adults are vital members of our communities. As we all age, we deserve the programs and support we need to thrive. Aging Our Way, PA presents a bold vision for Pennsylvania’s future, and with the release of this plan, we will begin to lay the foundation to build more inclusive, accessible, and cost-effective systems and infrastructure that support the needs of our community members across the Commonwealth.”

By 2030, the population of Pennsylvanians aged 60 and over is projected to surpass 3.8 million, accounting for 1 in 3 Pennsylvanians, and older Pennsylvanians are expected to outnumber every other age group. Recognizing this rapidly growing population, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order in May 2023 directing the Department of Aging (PDA) and other agencies in his Administration to develop a master plan called Aging Our Way, PA. Pennsylvania is the fifth state to release its master plan on aging, joining California, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

“We are grateful for Governor Shapiro’s recognition of the needs of Pennsylvania’s older adults and his support to direct us in crafting a plan that will benefit us all,” said Secretary Jason Kavulich. “We know our Commonwealth’s older adult population is growing faster than any other demographic, and with that comes opportunities to evaluate how living as an older adult in the Commonwealth is now and how we can make it better in the future. Aging Our Way, PA is the roadmap for making those improvements in the way older adults are cared for, how they receive and connect to services and supports, and how they can get the most out of their communities to age in place.”

The goals of Aging Our Way, PA are broken down into three levels of detail: five priorities, which are the biggest themes; 36 strategies, which are middle-level guiding ideas; and 163 tactics, which are specific actions with clear results. The plan’s five priorities are:
• Unlocking Access: Designing and offering fair, affordable options and opportunities for all older adults to age in a healthy and active way, no matter what their situation is.
• Aging in Community: Eliminating barriers so older adults can age in their own homes and communities while being comfortable living in familiar surroundings.
• Gateways to Independence: Promoting safe, accessible, convenient transportation regardless of personal mobility.
• Caregiver Supports: Building supports and resources so people who take care of others have the help, training, and rest that they need.
• Education & Navigation: Leading a network of community partners to promote services so information about helpful services is easier for older adults to find.


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