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The Brouhaha over Critical Race Theory

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings, but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”


Many Americans are apoplectic over what is called critical race theory. A premise that says the notions of “race” and “racial differences” were deliberate social constructs established to create a codified race and color caste system in this country; that racism is institutionalized and deeply embedded in the fabric of this society. In August of 2019, The New York Times Magazine 1619 Project created a firestorm by asserting slavery was the quintessential system that drove capitalism and the economics of both the British colonial era and the nexus that molded and shaped America commercially, economically, socially that greatly influenced the form of government that was created after the revolution.

While the 1619 Project was not the first to assert slavery, race and caste were infused into the fabric of this nation; its success became highly controversial because its premise and content shattered the myths and lies America tells itself about this country.

During the social unrest unleashed during 2020 following the high profile deaths of numerous African-Americans by police, the very history of race in the creation of police departments in America resurfaced the fact that slave patrols were the origin or primary reason for many constables, militias, and police departments not only in the South but the North as well.

The response was swift and ferocious. Nikole Hannah-Jones an investigative reporter and staff writer for the New York Times who headed The 1619 Project and the other essayists who contributed to it have been vilified and demonized. Former President Donald Trump started a movement to reject the notion the United States is a racist nation and pushed to prevent the true history from being taught in schools and presented as training in government agencies.

Critics of the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory say it is divisive, not true, anti-white, and Marxist. These critics object to the idea slavery was a boon to European capitalism, which helped the chartered monopoly trading companies, monarchs, popes, and financiers become fabulously rich. Eric Williams’ book Capitalism and Slavery and Edward Baptist’s book The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism totally debunk the critics’ specious objections because slavery’s free labor did indeed make European and American elites filthy rich!

While the US Constitution first uses the word slavery only in the Thirteenth Amendment, slavery was all up in that document. Read the US Constitution for yourself, you will see in Article 1 Section 2 (the 3/5ths clause counting “all other persons” (Africans in America) for purposes of congressional representation), in section 9 (importation of ‘Such persons” meaning slaves can not be debated or prohibited by Congress prior to 1808 and a tax or duty of no more than ten dollars for each person may be imposed), Article IV (the fugitive slave act) makes it clear slavery was a top economic priority. Failure to comprehend these words allows the US government to deny and obfuscate its’ role in the perpetuation of and profit from the institution of slavery!

Now white parents are complaining their children are coming home from school crying because they are being taught what whites did to Blacks and people of color in this country! These same people ignore the fact the notions of race and racial hierarchy were created as a means to reduce Africans in America to a subservient status, divide poor whites who made up the indentured servant and bonded class against Blacks so they would not unite to become a force against the colonial administrators and the post-revolutionary ruling class is what gives them their unwarranted status and privilege in this country today.

I strongly urge you to get a copy of In the Matter of Color Race and the American Legal Process: The Colonial Period and Shades of Freedom Racial Politics And Presumptions Of The American Legal Process by the late A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. This distinguished federal judge researched the history and foundation of race-based laws and racial oppression from the colonial period to the present. Reading these two books will put to rest any claims The 1619 Project is unhistorical hyperbole.

The push back against the 1619 Project belies the fact for centuries whites made up lies about Africa and Africans, perpetrated ruthless violence and abuse against Blacks, and used every means at their disposal to denigrate us, caricature, and stereotype us in unfaltering and dehumanizing ways!

Old habits, attitudes, and brainwashing die hard. The 1619 Project creates cognitive dissonance, fear, and stress in whites and brainwashed Negroes. But it is time for TRUTH! Malcolm X said, “I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such, I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” Ashe

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