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Peace on Earth, good will towards all

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The Creator has a master plan, peace, and happiness for every man.” – Pharaoh Sanders, Leon Thomas

As we enter this season, we need to become mindful that there are alternatives to the ways we are living, behaving, and doing things. When we look around, we see violence, disrespect, abuse, war, hostility, division, and rancor. It seems people are going insane; that we have lost the capacity to be civil and loving towards one another.

In the Bible story in Luke Chapter Two, the writer tells of the announcement of the birth of Yeshua to a group of shepherds tending their sheep. The story says an angel of the Lord came upon them and assured them there was no need to fear, for he had great news. Upon the angel telling them of the birth of Yeshua, the writer says, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will toward men.

From a metaphysical perspective, the story is about us. We are all shepherds; our conscious mind is the shepherd protecting our deeper consciousness from harm — in the form of negative thoughts and emotions and providing good nourishment (leading us to green pastures) so we grow and thrive. Shepherds protect the animals from predatory threats. They keep the sheep quiet and calm, which metaphysically is our natural state, inner peace.

Angels represent messengers from THE MOST HIGH who come to us to give us inspiration, information, encouragement, and guidance. Sheep represents innocence, non-violence, and our natural state of inner being. Our conscious mind is the shepherd tasked with protecting and nurturing the sheep (the deeper unconscious parts of our being). So angels (messages) are al- ways coming to our conscious mind to provide guidance and encouragement. Often the messages come when we are asleep, during meditation, or when we are in a quiet, relaxed state of mind when there is less agitation, distraction, or anxiety.

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