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Life Is For Living

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Life is not a spectator sport.” Junious Ricardo Stanton We have been given the precious gift of life; it is a wonderful and awesome opportunity to be and manifest great things on this physical plane of existence. Please do not take it for granted or abdicate your responsibility to live fully and be your best authentic self. It is incumbent upon each of us to discern why we are here–why we incarnated on this plane, and then work to cultivate, develop, and actualize our innate aptitudes, abilities, talents, and gifts.

For most of human history, aboriginal indigenous people recognized the universe as teleological, a fancy word for purposeful design, that there is order and observable symmetry all around us. Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic, a follower of a specific organized religion, or an independent mystic, if you are observant and conscious, you have come to the conclusion we are here and that the universe exists; therefore, it must have had a creative source, a CREATOR. If you accept the fact that the universe has a creator, the next step is to ask: What, if any, is the purpose for creation? Even if you subscribe to the notion of a “Big Bang,” you have to ask what caused the Bang in the first place and where did–the energy, matter, and materials we observe as the physical universe come from? It is logical to reason there must be a FIRST CAUSE, SOURCE, and MAINTAINER for all creation.

Life is energy, and with it comes–mobility, cognition, awareness, volition, imagination (the power to visualize and create in our mind), and project those ideas into the physical realm and manifest them. This is quite powerful. Yet, far too often, we take these abilities for granted or we allow them to remain dormant and impotent within us.


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