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Introducing new author Beverley Bobb

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is a brand-new Christian author that is taking the industry by storm with her debut book entitled, “Intimate Letters To The Father: Gems and Nuggets From the Holy Spirit.” Beverley Bobb, a native of the twin-island of Trinidad and Tobago, was reared by her paternal grandmother during her formative years, then her mother during her teenage years. She was homeless and jobless and believed that coming to America would change the trajectory of her life. She wanted to clothe and feed her two girls as well as provide a safe haven for them as a family.
Bobb vowed that if God made a way for her to secure a visa to come to the United States of America that she would serve Him. He did what she asked, and in July 1999, with daughters in tow, Philadelphia became sweet home. She is now an active member and minister at True Light Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, where Dr. Wesley Pinnock is Sr. Pastor.
We wanted to glean more information from this wonderful author by introducing her to our readers across the globe. Sit back and enjoy my conversation with author Beverley Bobb.
Sherri: Please tell our readers how this great book came to light.
Bobb: My book was not intentional (or so I thought). In December 2016, the thought came to me to start writing letters to the Father about my day-to-day experiences. That is when it was conceived, and it was birthed in January 2021.
Sherri: What is the primary purpose of this book? What would you like readers to gain as they read?
Bobb: The primary purpose of this book is to encourage Believers about the importance and reality of having their own personal relationship with the Father. Not that He is real, but that He IS. As readers get into this Book, they should be provoked to form their own relationship with Him. Also, that they are not alone in their day-to-day struggles.
“Remember ALWAYS that the Father loves you with an everlasting love. It does not matter what you have done. ALWAYS go to Him. He will never turn you away.” This helps me at times when I have done something that I shouldn’t have done. I take the courage to get into His presence and ask forgiveness knowing, His love for me never changes.
Sherri: Would you tell us which particular part of the book (page or sentence) resonates with you the most?
Bobb: This is a tough one to answer. I think just being able to have that desire to continuously seek His Face because my book is about intimacy with Him.
Sherri: Where do you see this book in 3-6 months?
Bobb: Within the next 3-6 months, I pray that it will reach more people to cause them to want more of Him. It would stir something within their spirit. Not just a read, but to ignite a desire for more of His presence.
Sherri: What is the most challenging time you endured while writing the book?
Bobb: The most challenging time was getting the book in the format that is recommended for printing. I had typed it in 8×11, and it needed to be 6×9. I had no idea how to change it over, and I had to solicit the help of my girlfriends, who did not hesitate to come over and help me. Then when I had to make grammatical changes. I would lose the changes and couldn’t find where I had saved them. It was very frustrating.
Sherri: On the flip side, what is the most rewarding?
Bobb: The most rewarding experience in writing this book was when I was able to click submit and publish. It had taken me 8-hours one Saturday to get everything in order.
Sherri: Would you please share a testimony that is not in the book that may inspire our readers?
Bobb: A few years ago, I caused an accident. Thankfully no one was injured. One of the drivers took me to court even though my insurance company took care of their claim (rear bumper). My car was totaled. I took the day off and had to appear in Queens, NY for the case. I told the Father, “I know it was my fault and asked that Jesus go before me to represent me and to make away.”
A few weeks later, I got a letter from the lawyers from my insurance company that they had taken care of everything, and I did not have to appear in court. In disbelief, I called the lawyer to make sure that I understood what was written in the letter. Our God is truly an awesome God.
Sherri: What is your favorite scripture or motto, and why?
Bobb: My favorite scripture is John 15:13, Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends. This really touches my heart to know that the love of Jesus is so personal and that He did the ultimate sacrifice for us.
Sherri: Please share your social media handles.
Bobb: My email is: Bobbiharwell@gmail.com
IG: @Brown_skingirl | FB – Bobbi Harwell
We thank Beverley Bobb for taking time out of her schedule to answers some of our questions. Her book, “Intimate Letters To The Father: Gems and Nuggets From the Holy Spirit,” is available on Amazon.
Connect with us on social media! FB: Supreme Gospel Ent. and Sherri Y. Johnson | Instagram: @sherrisupremegospel | TikTok: @sherrisupremegospel — until the next column, remain encouraged!

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