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The Universal Vision of Marcus Garvey, The Declaration of Rights of Black Peoples of The World (Pt 1)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this country, during September, millions of Black children will start school to be indoctrinated with an American education. Millions of Black children will learn, recite, and study the U.S. Declaration of Independence. They will learn about American colonists named Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, and, of course, ‘good old’ John Hancock. It is

said that Hancock, who was a slave owner, signed his name on the Declaration big enough for King George III of England to read it without his glasses. On July 4, 1776, right here in Philadelphia, the declaration was issued. The voters and signers, who exclusively were white male property owners, had officially declared their independence from Great Britain.

One hundred and forty- four (144) years later, in New York City, the membership of UNIA-ACL led by Marcus Garvey drafted our own Declaration of Independence for Black people around the globe! The Declaration of Rights of the Negro People of the World was adopted at our first International Convention in 1920, over which Marcus Garvey presided as Chairman and at which he was elected Provisional president of Africa.

The (54) Declaration of Rights of the Black People of the World is a living and breathing document that is more relevant today than yesterday. Our Declaration will help guide us and our beautiful school-age children to embrace the righteous cause of African Liberation throughout the Globe.


(Preamble) “Be it Resolved, That Black people of the world, through their chosen representatives in convention assembled in Liberty Hall, in the city of New York and the United States of America, from August 1 to August 31, in the year of our lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, protest against the wrongs and injustices they are suffering at the hands of their white brethren, and state what they deem their fair and just rights, as well as the treatment they propose to demand of all men in the future.”

1 -Be it known to all men that Whereas, all men are created equal and entitled to the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and because of this, We, the duly elected representatives of the Black peoples of the world, invoking the aid of the just and almighty GOD, do declare all men, women and children of our blood throughout the world free citizens and do claim them as free citizens of Africa, the Motherland of all ,…

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