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Covid numbers slowly on the rise again be aware

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here’s the thing. Covid cases in certain places across the country are slowly on the rise. Not to panic anyone, but I am here to report the news as it comes. Based on what we are learning, it sounds like people should use good sense, that’s all, and the majority of us should be just fine.
I am pretty sure no one wants to go back to wearing face masks. However, if you are in a group with people who have serious health issues and your immune system is not strong, you should consider a facemask in certain situations.

As for me, I haven’t worn a facemask except at a couple of churches when I attended a service or funeral, and they still required facemasks last Spring. I still keep several facemasks in my handbag in a sandwich bag, and I keep a couple of facemasks in my car in the glove compartment, just out of habit. I pray we don’t have to use them again. I will tell you, if I’m in a room where a person is coughing and carrying on, and I need to stay in that room because there’s an important meeting going on, oh I will pull one of my facemasks out of my handbag, and put it over my face.

Let me go back to that “having good sense” statement I shared earlier. If a person who is coughing and can’t seem to stop is in a room, say at a meeting, or even in the church, if they have “good sense;” and if they care about others around them, they will remove themselves from the room or the church sanctuary, as the case may be, until such time as their coughing fit stops.

Over the last few weeks, certain areas of the United States have seen an uptick in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. However, overall numbers remain low, and most health experts say that it is unlikely to turn into a major wave like the most recent past years. However, people should know that COVID-19 hospitalizations are on the rise. According to recent Centers for Disease Control data released nationwide, COVID-19 hospitalizations were up 12% the week of July 22, the latest week of available data. Some areas of the country are seeing even higher increases.

In about two dozen states, the surge in hospitalizations is now more than 12%. Those states include Pennsylvania, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. These states all saw more than a 20% increase in new COVID hospitalizations.

The uptick in Covid cases is largely being blamed on the hot weather. The heat has forced more people to socialize inside and in close quarters. There is still an issue of Covid having free rein to work the room, so to speak, when folks are partying and sitting close together, etc.

Before we know it, the winter months will be here, and that means more people ,…

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