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Learn Black History 24/7 with Marvin Dutton’s Historical Black History Flashcards

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How much do you know about Black History? Marvin Dutton is always disappointed when people are unaware of the contributions of Black people. Black people have contributed greatly to the greater good of society. Author, Entrepreneur, CEO Marvin Dutton has been seen on The Shade Room as an educator committed to teaching the babies during quarantine. He was also awarded by Barack Obama.

Marvin’s Education Services (M.E.S.) currently operates in Philadelphia and Atlanta. MES provides out-of-the-classroom lessons that are educational and informative. Now with the release of the Black History Flashcards, students and families everywhere can celebrate legendary black stories 24/7 and 365 days. The newly released MES Black History Cards for Early Learners are alphabet cards that feature the original artwork of prominent African-American historical figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, and James Baldwin.

Shelly Shell: What inspired you to create the Black History Flash Cards?

Marvin Dutton: My background is in education. I started with the CDF and Philadelphia Freedom School Program as a teenager in high school. These programs specifically targeted children of color and focused a lot on African American History. During that time, I was able to train on the great Alex Haley Farm in Clinton, Tennessee. In that sacred space, I met historical figures and studied Black History. As a teacher in Philadelphia, I worked for African Centered Charter Schools. I would be conflicted when we would have to use curricula provided by our school district. I found myself coloring visual aides to accurately depict them to my kindergarten students. In addition, I created many worksheets from scratch. I enjoyed creating my own chants, songs, and sayings in the school. Flashcards play an essential role in developing a child’s vocabulary. I observed how Flashcards and visual aids contributed to a student’s self-image. This observation led to the creation of the MES ABC & Black History Flashcards.

Shelly Shell: Are we able to play a card game with the cards, or are they strictly Flashcards?
Marvin Dutton: The MES Flashcards and Curriculum was created to give teachers, parents, tutors, and other educators autonomy. We believe that our curriculum is the recipe for a greater learning experience. Just like with any recipe, the cook or teacher in this case will have the ability to use the cards as they see fit. You can do word practice or try to match figures to their perspective eras. The great thing about the Black History Flashcards is that you can use them with all grades. MES plans to release the deluxe package of Flashcards in late August. These cards will have more educational instructions and historical information in the packaging.

Shelly Shell: Are the cards available for individuals or only provided for schools?

Marvin Dutton: The MES Black History Flashcards are available to individuals, parents, daycare providers, and schools. Our goal is to reach as many students as possible. The cards are available online for purchase at www.homeschoolforourchildren.com.

Shelly Shell: What Black History Maker inspires you the most?

Marvin Dutton: The Black History person that inspires me the most is Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman freed enslaved people through the Underground Railroad with courage, self-determination, and cultural pride. Harriet Tubman also led my ancestors and family members to freedom, Marshall Dutton and Solomon Cornish, on the great Cambridge 28 escape. My ancestors are native to Dorchester Maryland, Cambridge County, and were in close contact with Harriet Tubman. This story inspires me to tell more of this history. Also important to me was Harriet’s business acumen raising funds for the escape and working with businesses to hide the once-enslaved fighting for their freedom. I will be forever thankful for the contributions of Harriet Tubman.

Shelly Shell: What is the Entrepreneur Mentorship Program? Who are the ideal candidates?

Marvin Dutton: The Entrepreneur Mentorship Program was created for teachers or educators seeking to start a business within the field of education. This includes tutoring businesses, staffing services, curriculum writers, educational programming (summer camp/after school), and more. Marvin Dutton and MES, and the company will ad- vise and provide back-office support to help entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. The ideal person is one looking to expand their overall social impact while increasing their business capacity. We are here to help startups while assisting seasoned entrepreneurs. Contact information, Phone Number 267-575-3547, Email: mdutton@mar- vinseducationservices.com Instagram: @mesmarvin @marvinseducationservices

Dorothy E. Brunson Telethon

Join us June 19, 2021, 1 pm-7 pm for the Dorothy E. Brunson Foundation, “I Never Quit” Virtual Telethon!! For additional information on the “I Never Quit” Tribute and the monthly series or to make a donation, please visit www.DorothyEBrunsonFoundation.org

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