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The dictionary defines the word commence as a verb meaning to start or begin. Recently my wife and I attended two commencement ceremonies: my cousin graduated from medical school, and her cousin graduated from high school. Graduation is not an end–it is a new beginning, which is why these ceremonies are called commencements.

Commence is a verb. Verbs are action words. They describe an action, doing, or a state of being. Life, in its essence, is about change, growth, evolution, and expansion. Change is inevitable, and it is a crucial aspect of living life. Change is an action. Often it is subtle, but it is a universal process. Life is change. We began on the physical level as a sperm uniting with an egg, both of which contain energy/intelligence/design/purpose and instantly change commences, the process to create a magnificent being such as you, me, and all creation. Within this fertilized egg resides the divine blue- print and design for you/us/all creation. From this egg springs life; within this egg lies the genius, latent potential, and energy to make a difference in the world. This is the design and purpose of creation, and we are an integral part of this design.

This is what our African ancestors called Ubuntu “I am because we are, we are because I am.” It is a universal concept it applies to all things. We mean all of creation. The whole universe exists because the CREATOR exists, and the CREATOR exists in us. It is THE CREATOR within us that unfolds the physical and spiritual design, the divine blueprint for our lives. This design is nothing dreary, mean-spirited, boring, or stifling. On the contrary, it is expansive with untold potential and wonder! We just have to tap into it, get in its divine flow, go with it and enjoy the ride.

Our African ancestors postulated THE CREATOR created with purpose, they believed the universe is the result of a divine plan, and this plan constantly evolves and changes resulting in the various occurrences we see around us like the seasons, plant, animal, and human growth, even climate change like the previous ice ages, current desertification around the world and the so-called “global warming” the ruling class con artists and fools want us to believe is caused by humans!

The life process is unfolding within us all. It is THE CREATOR in us that keeps our hearts beating, cells dividing, digests the food, and supplies abundant energy and health if we don’t sabotage it with unwise and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Yet within this divine design, we also have the power to make choices that impact our lives.

All the religious creation stories tell of a CREATOR who is aware of himself and purposely creates by thinking or speaking the universe into existence. “Let there be light,” for example. The universe we see is the result of unseen forces and actions. THE CREATOR commenced meaning it took action, and the universe we inhabit is the result of it taking action to begin the creative process.

THE CREATOR exists in us. It is dynamic and spiritual energy driven by purposeful intelligence. What we see is us being alive, being, and doing. There is a major difference between a living person and a dead body! Like THE CREATOR, we have the ability to create. We create images in our mind’s eye, and we create (formulate) action plans to accomplish those goals and objectives we create in our minds. We have agency, mobility, power, and the ability to craft an environment first in our minds and then in the material realm. (Notice the root real in the word realm). We have the ability to make things real, “to call forth those things that be; not as if they do in fact exist” because they do exist in our minds. From our minds, our thinking, and our actions, we manifest our goals and objectives. My cousin Kaila always wanted to be a physician, and she worked hard to make that happen.

Everything that exists begins with thinking, planning, and action. This is the fundamental law of the universe and a lesson we should all take to heart. You are the embodiment of THE CREATOR, and untapped potential resides in you that is part of a divine plan formulated for you to do great things and make awesome contributions to the collective! You are far greater than you realize, you have been blessed with talents, genius, and the wherewithal to accomplish great things. You have a divine purpose and reason for being alive. THE CREATOR ,…

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