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Technology 101: Understanding SEO and its significance for your business

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With all businesses jostling to establish a strong online presence and boost their visibility, you need to make your business stand out. Creating captivating, high-quality content is a good start, but SEO is the tool you need to gain that competitive advantage over your rivals. SEO will go a long way in drawing more customers to your online business platforms for increased profitability, brand growth, and recognition.

However, to make optimal use of this powerful tool, it is important to understand exactly what it is and how you can use it to increase the traffic on your business web- site.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique through which websites are made to attract higher traffic by being easily accessible via search engines. While it might be a tricky concept to understand, a great example of how SEO works is of players in a soccer team.

When faced with a tough match, the coach selects only the best players who are more likely to produce the best results. The coach measures this by judging their past performances; who scores the most goals, who defends the best, who runs the fastest, e.t.c. Therefore, to increase one’s chances of being in the first team, one has to put up their best performance so that the coach can have a lot of faith in them to deliver.

Similarly, when your site is optimized it is given a certain level of preference by search engine algorithms when users search for information related to your site’s content. Based on certain parameters, algorithms can gauge the likelihood of your site providing a user with the information they specify in the search. Your site will be listed ahead of other sites if your site ranks high on the list of sites that contain the searched information.

By being suggested before other sites that might provide similar content, your site can get more traffic. Users who are directed there for the first time get introduced to your business. If the advertising and marketing content on your site is compelling enough, the new visitors can become loyal customers of your brand. This expands

your customer base and increases your profitability while also increasing awareness of a brand.

Types of SEO

There are two main types of SEO; white hat SEO and black hat SEO. Under White Hat SEO, a website post is optimized for ranking through the quality of its content and the value it is likely to give a user searching for related information online.

However, with black hat SEO, an article or post is only optimized for search engine rankings without any regard to the value of its content to users. It is an unscrupulous method of getting ranked that only serves the interests of the site’s owners and not of the users searching for information.

How to boost SEO rankings

While employing SEO to increase your business’s potential for growth requires you, as a businessperson, to understand certain fundamental rules and methods of search engine marketing, it is possible to master the art.

To boost your on-page SEO, you need to employ the strategic use of keywords. Keywords can either be product keywords or informational keywords. Keywords assist search engine algorithms in identifying your posts and website as potential sources of content on certain subjects. This way, search engines can suggest your content to users who may be searching for related content.

Therefore, to improve your SEO rankings, ensure you use words that users are most likely to search for as key-words. Whether you are describing your products or just creating value by providing useful information ensuring your content has a reasonable keyword density greatly improves your site’s rankings.

Why SEO is important for your business

In a world of commerce where most consumers inter- act with businesses and products for the first time online, it is vital to ensure that your business is visible and that it doesn’t drown and fade into obscurity. To do this, you need to employ creative strategies to maintain a powerful online presence that will make a lasting impression on prospective customers.

By tapping into SEO as a tool and improving your SEO ratings, you can direct more traffic to your site and create value for your visitors. Some of these visitors will appreciate the products or services you offer, and they will turn into loyal customers who will not only bring you revenue but who may refer others to your business. As such, your business will grow, and you will make more profits from your enterprise.

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