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The Master and Slave Relationship, Part II

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Harriet Tubman was quoted at one time saying, “I could have freed more people if they knew they were slaves.” But now when you look it up, they say it is a false quote and was exaggerated like many things about Harriet Tubman. However, going to school in the 1970s, this was something that my teachers and others would say. Unless we have a recording or something in her handwriting, we will never really know. That is why with Minister Farrakhan, I listen for myself and read for myself so that the word will become flesh in my person. People cannot argue with your testimony! They say, “The best way to teach someone is through your example.” What type of example have we been?

I remember seeing the movie Django that came out in 2012. I was amazed at how well Samuel L. Jackson played his role. Hearing different stories over the years, in a lot of cases you have a scene like that playing out, but this is in real life. The master and slave relationship is still alive and well to this very day, but the slave is not in physical chains.

Do you need to chain someone if you have their mind? Minister said, “He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge prescribes the circumference of your activity.” Have you ever met someone that has never been out of their state? The country? I have met people that have lived in West Philly their whole life. I have met people that lived in Chester, PA their whole life. I have met people that have never left the state of Pennsylvania. When was the last time you went outside of your comfort zone?

If you are blessed to still have your parents, do you wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to show them some love? Do you wait on any holiday or specified time to acknowledge what that day or month is now identified as? If so, who told you to do that? Do you not know that other countries do not celebrate some of the days we observe in America? Those other countries have their own observations.

The Bible says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). Why do we need to alter the word of God (Allah) to fit our desires? People are aware that some things pull at the strings of your heart or get you angry, so they will use fear and love to control us.

In the military and the Nation of Islam, the first general order is “To take charge of this post and all property in view,” but what is your post? Your post is your life! We must stop letting our past control us today. We must stop having unhealthy relationships! We need to learn to do for self! We need to strive to submit 100% to God (Allah)!

The Bible says, “Honor your Mother and Father that your days will be long.” If we followed God’s (Allah’s) instructions, there would not be a need for a Mother’s Day or Father’s Day because we have already embraced what God (Allah) said. However, if you are still approaching religion as the Slavemaster gave it to our ancestors, then you will not move beyond that training until you break off the relationship.

I like the actress Angela Bassett and she said, “I am not playing no wretched role until I play enough strong black woman.” I remember her further explaining and I am paraphrasing this, that because she was not willing to play certain roles, sometimes work gets slow, but she was fine with her decision.

Imagery is very powerful! Our children need to see black leaders coming and working together! Our children need to see black people, in general, being productive! So when I hear of a movie featuring Angela Bassett, I know that it something worthy of seeing. I do not like to see people, especially black women in a movie that degrades us as a whole. If I wanted to see black women suffering, I do not have to pay for it. I can just go into the community, as I do, to try once again to help them out of their condition.

We should always want to improve and reflect on God (Allah) more, and more and more! I remember when someone told Michael Jackson they loved him, he would say, “I love you more!” To me, Michael was amazing! He broke chains and was loved all over the world. Minister Farrakhan said, “When you have the ability to organize people, that makes you danger to the Enemy.”

When Michael Jackson died, I watched people all over the world cry and mourn him. How many people will miss you? Michael’s music lives on and he is influencing people from the grave! Minister Farrakhan said, “Music is a universal language!” I am paraphrasing Minister Farrakhan, it is just like crying…people do not cry in Chinese, French, English, or any specific language. The cry is the same all over the world.

Minister Farrakhan has been on three world tours. One way to break the master and slave relationship is to travel! We must control our circumference that should be rotating around Allah! Pray and ask God to keep you safe!

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